I nearly tripped down the stairs trying to rush down to the limo. It was the only vehicle in front of my building, so it was easy to find. I hopped in and we drove to the arena.

I’ve been to this arena many times, but I never knew about the secret entrance in the back. I mean, I know there’s always been that “secret” way for famous people to get in, but I’ve never seen it, and I’ve honestly never known where it was. But right now we were driving into it. It was almost like a giant garage right inside the door. There were plenty of other limos parked in there, along with some really expensive looking cars.

The driver let Brandi and I out of the limo, and she immediately started showing me around. I was seeing WWE superstars everywhere! This is like a dream come true!

Brandi would wave to everyone we passed. It was difficult not to gawk at everyone I was seeing. It was also difficult to remember that Brandi had been doing this for a couple years now.

The back area was amazing. There was so much stuff everyone! There were small offices set up everyone, dressing rooms set up, even interviewing stations with the backgrounds like you see on TV. It was amazing!

Brandi suddenly stopped me. I wasn’t entirely sure why, but when I looked in front of me, there was a line of WWE superstars waiting to go into whoever’s office was through the door ahead of them.

“That’s Teddy’s office,” Brandi told me. “Before every show, superstars have to check-in.” I was listening intently to what she was saying, but her words trailed off as I named everyone in my head. Next to go through the door was Chris Masters. Then there was Rosa. I was trying not to let her see me back here, but there was a good chance that she wouldn’t; because right behind her, stood the Great Khali. He was even bigger in person! After him was Cody Rhodes. He was my other WWE crush, but Brandi didn’t know. I tried not to blush as I could see the side of his face. Behind him was…master chef…Gordon Ramsey? He must be a guest host tonight! Behind him, was Chris Jericho. I never really liked him. I always thought of him to be an arrogant prick, but I guess I don’t really know what he’s like outside the ring. Then right behind him, and in front of us, was Randy Orton. He was a sexy-licious looking hunk. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. He must have felt that too because he turned around to look at us.

My eyes met his, and he smiled at me. I wasn’t sure whether or not to look away, and that’s when Brandi stepped in.

“Don’t mind her Randy. She’s a ‘new’ girl.” Brandi air-quoted the word NEW.

“What do you mean a ‘new’ girl?” Randy air-quoted her back.

“She’s going to be in the show tonight, basically to see if she has what it takes to be a superstar.” Brandi patted me on the back, making me slightly step forward. I’m surprised that I wasn’t drooling at this point.

“She looks really familiar. What’s her name?” Randy stared at me intently. I still didn’t know whether or not I should look away.

Brandi nudged me and finally I broke my stare. “Uh, I’m Jessie.”

He continued to gaze at me, wanting something more than just that.

“Hernandez. Jessie Hernandez.”

His eyes widened. He snapped his finger and pointed at me. “I know where I’ve seen you! You’re that little girl that took down Rosa in less than five seconds right?” He started laughing, obviously amused with my performance. Brandi was right, people would see the video.

“Yeah, I am.”

“That was amazing!” He laughed again, this time a little harder. He turned around, looking past a lot of people. I didn’t like where this was going. “Rosa!” He called out. I saw her turn around to look at him from behind a line of superstars. A couple other people even glanced back. “Look who it is!” He snickered.

He pulled me out a little, to where she could get a good glimpse of me. I could see the red in her face just flare up. The other superstars were looking back at me as well, trying to decipher what was going on. A couple of them got it. A couple of them started pointing at me, and laughing at Rosa, saying things to her that I couldn’t hear.

Then she started walking back towards me. As was normal, I wasn’t sure how to react. I stood there. My knees were honestly shaking like crazy. I didn’t want to do anything with a line of superstars watching! Granted there were probably more at Brandi’s house than there were even in this hallway.

“Well, well,” she said, “what do you think you’re doing here?”

I took a step towards her, making her halt. I said the first thing that my confidence put into my mind. “Because I’m better than you Rosa.”

There was an “ooooh” from the superstars beside us. She opened her mouth to say something, but she was stunned. I smiled at her.

“What’s wrong Rosa? You know it’s true?”

She still couldn’t say anything. The door to Teddy Long’s office flew open, and out walked Jeff. Rosa quickly turned to see who it was. When she saw him, she blew him a kiss and waltzed past him, cutting off everyone in line and rushing into Teddy’s office to get away from me.

There were eyes all on me. Jeff was walking towards us, rolling his eyes. “I just don’t understand her. She continues to hit on me, when she KNOWS that I’m married! He nodded at me and then walked around me to hug his wife. I looked up at Chris Masters, who was staring intently at me. I glanced at every one of the superstars waiting in line. I even looked at Cody Rhodes, and he was grinning at me. Holy Crap…. I’m blushing!

WWE: Ring Around the Love Triangle [-BOOK ONE-]Where stories live. Discover now