Chapter 5

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"It won't bite you," he said laughing. I kept my hands clasped together and stared down at the site before me. It was a burger and fries, by what it looked like. Just a plain patty between two toasted buns but I knew there was a lot more to it than what meets the eye. Come to think of it, I don't remember the last time I ate meat, a burger nonetheless, but it looked good, and it smelled so delicious. I almost forgot I was outside the safety of the apartment.

Come to think of it, the entire place smelled nice, like citrus and sandalwood. I always thought bars would be disgusting with dried two-week-old beer on the floors, sticking as you walked, musty due to the number of packed bodies and of course the alcohol, but this bar, Carver's Bar had a calm, yet enticing atmosphere. I understood why he liked this place so much. I think I could warm up to this place too.

When comparing my burger to his, it was clearly outmatched. "You seem like the kind of person that would take the buns off your burger," I remember him saying as he ordered our food. I scoffed and let out a laugh, almost forgetting the situation I was in. While mine was simple, his stood the test of gravity, toppings such as avocado, bacon and a fried egg made the burger look like it was going to topple any minute. I guess that was the whole part of it though.

So, I did it. I reached for the burger and let it sit in my hands, glancing up at Ezra's shocked to the amazed reaction. As I did, I heard my stomach growl and shamefully, I started setting the burger down in response, causing him to let out a chuckle and shake his head. I frowned. He's going to shake your head at me? He was disappointed. You know what, Ezra? I'm going to take a bite and show him that I am not someone who's going to give up. My eyes widened, not understanding where this newfound confidence was coming from.

I picked up the burger again. The thing was bigger than my hands and my mouth combined, but that didn't stop me from sinking my teeth into the thing. As I pulled the burger away, a long thick string of cheese left it and pulled along with the burger even after I placed it back on the plate.

"Now that's a look, very hot." I almost choked as I laughed along with him, quickly placing my hand over my mouth, pulling the string of white cheese away. I looked up at him to see that he took a big bite of his burger, smiling at my reaction to the taste. It was so delicious, unlike anything I've ever had. A small moan slipped out of me and my head tilted back as I enjoyed the burger. I picked up a fry and dipped it into the ketchup before stuffing it into my mouth.

"Mmm," I moaned, stuffing another fry in my mouth. I don't remember the last time I had burgers and fries, probably years ago. I continued dipping the fries into the ketchup before stuffing them in my mouth. I knew I looked disgusting because every time I would glance at him, he always had that smirk on, like I was the most amusing thing in the world to him. I continued to stuff my face, however. This is the first time I felt different from my usual ordered and tidy habits. I felt like I could be messy and untidy, and it felt so good.

I wanted to forget about what happened tonight. The smoke, the fire, the hyperventilating, the tears. Not too long ago, I was sent an email from the apartment building regarding the situation of the fire. My floor, including the two floors below mine, had quite a substantial amount of water damage due to the sprinklers, with certain areas underwater. I couldn't return to the apartment. I don't know where I'm supposed to sleep tonight. I guess I would cross the bridge at some point. Right now, I wanted to enjoy myself.

This time, I glanced at the beer that sat next to me. It was cold, bubbling, and looked refreshing, but I've never had beer, let alone alcohol. I reached for the glass and brought it to my lips, soon tasting a rancid bitter taste. I quickly coughed up the foul liquid causing him to laugh at me again.

"It's an acquired taste," he mentioned.

I picked up the burger again and glanced around the bar as he began to stare at me again. I just wanted to avoid his questioning gaze and enjoy what little time I had left of the night, enjoy what little time I had left to feel normal around him before he began questioning me.

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