41. Out.

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Her hand was glued to Sasha's thigh, not wanting to separate from her by any means. All night, Cameron had made the effort to behave and ignore every dirty look thrown her way. All night, Cameron had remained quiet and polite, only waiting for the moment she would be able to exchange presents with Sasha.

Now that this moment was here, Cameron was starting to boil. All the energy she'd mustered up from not talking back and exhibiting her middle finger was starting to be unbearable to contain. On top of that, Cameron was forced to witness the perfect little family picture taking place under her nose while she and Sasha were isolated on an easy chair, waiting.

"Let me grab your first present", Cameron whispered in Sasha's ear and bent over the armrest to look into her bag. She decided on the most insignificant.

"It's big", Sasha commented as she took it from Cameron. "And soft", she added before tearing the paper, revealing the grey Diddy Kong sweatshirt Cameron had picked. "It's so cute", Sasha chuckled and brought the piece closer to analyze the monkey from closer.

"I'll definitely pinch it", Cameron clearly announced.

"But it's the only decent sweatshirt I own", Sasha pouted jockingly before taking Cameron in her arms to thank her.

Then it was Sasha's turn to give Cameron a present, which turned out to be a simple envelope. Cameron hurried to open it and discovered a stack of coupons that Sasha had made herself. There were all sorts of coupons: for a massage, for a weekend gateway, for a love letter, for a movie night, for a quickie, for a shopping spree, for a night out, for a homemade dinner, for breakfast in bed. As she went through the coupons, Cameron retrieved a coupon good for a kiss and lay her lips on Sasha's to thank her for this amazing attention.

"I have an envelope as well", Cameron wiggled her eyebrows teasingly and picked it up to give it to her girlfriend.

"A tattoo appointment? For me?", Sasha asked confusedly.

"For us", Cameron rectified.

"We... have to talk about this", Sasha said in a low voice.

"Oh, okay. I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd be against it since you already have tattoos."

"I don't mind getting a new one, but getting tattooed together is big, Cam... We can't take this lightly", Sasha tried to explain.

"But I've thought of the designs I want already. You don't have to get one if you're not inspired", Cameron shrugged to show her girlfriend it was no big deal. She had no intention of getting matching tattoos just yet.

"In that case, we can go. I don't know if I'll get anything though."

"That's fine, you have a few days to decide", Cameron smiled and pecked Sasha's cheek to reassure her.

"I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore", Carter's loud voice resonated in the room as he jumped off the couch.

A huge silence settled in the living room. The atmosphere felt heavy and tense. Everyone was looking at each other, not knowing how to react. Then all eyes turned to Carter, as if waiting for an explanation.

"You should be ashamed of yourself", Carter said while looking straight at her sister. "It's one thing to behave like a whore at university, it's another to bring that depravity into our home. You've crossed the line, Cameron. I really thought you'd have reflected upon your conduct but it's only getting worse. When are you going to understand that your moral turpitude is nowhere near accepted by this family?"

"And when are you going to understand that I don't give a shit about your stuck up prejudices? You're so narrow-minded that you can't even get past the fact that I'm dating a girl and realize that I'm actually happy for the first time in my life."

"I want you out of my house, and out of my life", Carter said in a harsh tone before planting himself in front of the easychair, arms folded, as if waiting for the girls to move.

"Honey, not today", Cameron's mother pleaded in a soft tone.

"Cameron, a word", her dad said firmly before standing up.

Although Cameron dreaded leaving her girlfriend alone with the sharks, she still followed her father in silence as he guided her to the kitchen. If he'd required to speak to her in private, it didn't mean good. From the redness of his face and the hardness of his expression, Cameron already they would fight like dragons.

"Listen to me carefully because I won't repeat myself. Your mother and I have been more than patient with you, we've supported you until now, but we won't accept that you jeopardize everything we've built. I understand that you're young and adventurous, but you can't be reckless and put our family at risk for some... phase."

"Dad, it's not... It's not a phase or an experiment. I really love Sasha", she insisted in a composed tone to make sure her father would take her seriously.

"I want to believe you, okay? You may be on a little cloud right now but... those relationships don't last, Cammie."

"Look, I'm happy. I don't know what my future will be like, nor can I predict how long Sasha and I will be together, but I found myself in her. I finally found the piece of the puzzle that had been missing all my life and I don't want to lose it. I don't want to lose her. And if you guys can't accept that then I'd better pack my bags and go home."

"You know you'll always have a home here. But for now it's wiser-"

"Don't say more. I'll keep my mouth shut for tonight because it's Christmas and I don't want to ruin this for Mom", Cameron immediately spun around and walked back to the living room.

At the sight of Sasha's lowered head and slumped shoulders, Cameron's rage instantly arose. But she didn't snap. Instead, she grabbed Sasha's hand, picked up her bag, and guided her girlfriend upstairs to her room. Even if they'd be alone, at least they'd be at peace and happy.

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