8. Sniper late

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Sasha spent her entire Friday waiting for a call, or at least a text, but in vain. She shook her phone, tapped the screen, restarted it several times, and still nothing. At least she was certain that the device was working and operational.

The latter supposition was confirmed by the texts Sasha discovered when she woke up on Saturday morning. She had only slept for five hours but the content of the messages made her feel more awake than ever. Confused even.

02:37 - Hi its me. Its Cameron.
02:39 - Oops that sniper late. U probably sleeping.
02:43 - You should defo come to my house for coffee
02:44 - Please
02:45 - Gotta go. Bye.
02:47 - U not answering but u better come when you wake up!!

And the last message was what Sasha understood to be her address.

Her first surprise was to learn her full name, which she found absolutely gorgeous. Her second surprise was to see how amusing it was that Cameron had drunk texted her. And her third surprise was to have obtained her address that easily.

The clock was only showing 8am but Sasha figured that by the time she got ready, stopped to buy cookies or pastries to avoid arriving empty handed, and made it to her house, it would be almost 10am. Which she found to be reasonable. If only she decided to go. Would it be wise to leave her mother alone? Perhaps she could only go for a couple of hours and come back, while letting Dr Schumer know she would be out of the house.

Just like last time, Sasha followed her rush and texted Dr Schumer before opening her trunk to retrieve a basic outfit and her bathing towel. She got dressed extremely simply, maybe too simply, but she didn't own fancy clothes and was used to remaining basic anyway. A plain white tshirt, dark jeans, Converse shoes, her jacket, and she was ready to go. She did make the effort of applying a thin layer of makeup and realizing a clean ponytail, for confidence purposes only. She hesitated in leaving a note but her mother would probably not read it so she simply left the apartment.

According to Google Maps, Cameron's house was located at a fiften minute walk away from hers. As she followed the GPS, she made a quick stop to buy two croissants and a bunch of fresh cookies before looking around her to try and memorize the route. When she arrived in front of the correct building, she was unsure if she was allowed to enter. The door was open but she didn't know if that was normal. She still climbed the stairs to reach the second floor and looked for the correct number. 21.

Sasha rang the door bell. She heard its echo from behind the door but she couldn't hear steps or movements whatsoever. After waiting for a couple of minutes, Sasha risked ringing again and added a firm knock just in case. She was growing anxious. Perhaps she wasn't at the right door. Perhaps Cameron had given her a fake address. Perhaps the invitation wasn't even a real one.

"For fuck sake Carter!", Sasha heard from behind the door before it swung open, revealing a clearly hungover Cam, wearing only a tshirt and underwear. "You're not Carter."

"Unfortunately no", Sasha answered a bit uneasily.

"Are you even real?", Cam asked and walked outside the apartment to feel Sasha's arm.

"Yeah", she answered slowly. "You asked me to come over", Sasha reminded her.

"I did?", Cameron asked, her raspy voice amusing Sasha a lot.

Out of nowhere, Sasha heard loud barking resonating in the hallway and she was literally pushed inside of the apartment before Cam slammed the door behind them. Sasha had no idea of what was happening.

"Fucking crackhead with his fucking pooch", Cam said irritatingly.

"If I'm coming at a wrong time I can definitely leave", Sasha said while pointing at the door.

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