37. Christmas

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If there was one thing Cameron loved, it was to have Sasha all over her, kissing her, fondling her, taking her on the most sensual journeys. Every time made Cameron fall even more in love with her hot blond.

If there was one thing Cameron hated, it was to see Sasha so nervous that she couldn't even breathe properly. No matter how many times Cameron had tried to reassure her, Sasha was still convinced that spending Christmas holidays with Cameron's family was a huge mistake. Her hot blond was certain that she wouldn't make it alive, that Carter would kill her in her sleep, or that someone would poison her food.

"Are you not happy to celebrate Christmas with me?", Cameron asked as she lay her hand on Sasha's thigh.

"With you, yes. I'm not sure about everyone else though."

"It'll be fine, I promise. You know I'll stand by your side no matter what", Cameron said reassuringly.

"I don't know how families work, Cam. What if I can't fit in?", Sasha was looking at Cameron with so much apprehension and fear.

"Then we'll pack our bags and go home", Cameron shrugged to show her there was no problem.

"I'm freaking out."

"Babe, you need to relax", Cameron said in her softest tone and cupped her lover's face. "You're not alone, and no one is gonna harm you. Try to see this trip as something positive."

"How?", Sasha asked in lack of understanding, as if this train was taking her straight to hell.

"Well if you think about it, the fact that I want to include you in my family should actually show you how much I love you."

"That's... Very nice", Sasha muttered sheepishly, making Cameron snort and giggle.

The speaker announced their arrival at the right station so Cameron pushed Sasha and rushed her. She hadn't realized they were already here and she didn't want to stay stuck inside the train. Luckily, they managed to get out on time. Cameron immediately noticed her parents waiting under the porch so she grabbed Sasha's hand and guided her hot blond towards them.

"You're late, as always", was the first thing Cameron's dad said.

"And you're annoying, as always", Cameron forced a smile before politely greeting him with a kiss.

"Good morning, Mrs Morgan", Sasha timidly took a step forward.

"It's great to see you, Sasha", Cameron's mother quickly hugged the blond before greeting her daughter.

"Dad, meet my girlfriend. Girlfriend, my dad", Cameron got rid of the most boring part and followed her parents to the car.

The ride home was quite dull for Cameron. Her father was driving and totally uninterested, her mother was busy touching up her makeup in the rearview and commenting every single property they'd encounter, and Sasha was looking out the window, either listening to her mother's real estate analysis or daydreaming. Cameron bet on the latter.

When they finally arrived home, Cameron was once again hit by Sasha's anxiousness. Her hot blond said the fanciness of the house was making her feel uncomfortable and out of place, as if Cameron's family was living in a castle instead of a four bedroom house. In order to ease her girlfriend's nerves, Cameron gave her a tour, showing her that the house was normal, that her room was similar to the one she had in the apartment, and that the backyard was far from being an olympic stadium.

"The bed here is bigger though", Cameron said in a teasing tone and kissed Sasha's cheek, hoping it would cheer her up.

"We're not having sex in this house", Sasha shook her head in panic.

"We're gonna be here for two weeks and the house will be empty most of the time, so we'll definitely have sex. Sorry to disappoint."

"Cammie!", her mother called from afar. Cameron stepped out of her room and watched her mother reaching the top of the staircase.

"What's up?", she asked.

"Have you shown Sasha to her room? Does she need anything?", her mother asked nicely, making Cameron's eyebrows take off in astonishment.

"Her room?", she asked in confusion.

"I prepared the guestroom for her", her mother informed her.

"Well, you can find another guest to occupy it because Sasha is staying with me."

"Look, honey. Your father-"

"My father what? She's my girlfriend, Mom. We're a couple. Couples share the same room. That's the fundamentals."

"Please, make an effort", her mother requested in a hushed tone. "Your father accepted to welcome Sasha only if she stays in the guestroom."

"It's not happening", Cameron folded her arms to stand her grounds.

"Mrs Morgan, I don't want my presence to be a bother. If your husband doesn't want to welcome me, I can leave without a problem", Sasha's voice said from behind Cameron.

"No, Sasha, we're both happy to have you."

"I don't care what Dad says, she's staying with me", Cameron gave her mother a stern look and spun around to guide Sasha back into the room.

Cameron couldn't believe it. Even after getting to know Sasha, her mother was still not fully on their side. Sasha was the first and only partner Cameron had ever introduced to her parents. As far as she could remember, Carter would bring over plenty of girls without their parents saying anything, he'd even been caught banging one on the couch without facing the consequences. Why would they oppose to Cameron bringing home her girlfriend? For Cameron, her parents should have been happy to know that their daughter had no chance of getting pregnant anytime soon.

As she sat at her window and observed Sasha, Cameron realized that they were not at the end of their surprises. It was obvious that her parents weren't fully supporting them, her asshole of a brother was meant to arrive soon, and her whole family would gather for Christmas. However, she knew the strength of their relationship, and she was certain they'd be able to face whatever could come at them.

Cameron still had covered herself. She'd bought modifiable train tickets, just in case they needed to leave earlier than planned.

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