23. A shoulder to rely on

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Cameron was not over the moon, she was over Jupiter.

As she lay on her side to observe Sasha's peaceful face while she got some well deserved rest, Cameron replayed their night over and over. Their chaotic cooking session that turned into Cameron watching Sasha do all the work, their endless fits of laughter that made Cameron work her abs like never before, and their cute stolen kisses that led to the best of cuddles, until Sasha fell asleep on Cameron's bed while they were watching Incredibles.

Although she knew Sasha would definitely panic and throw a tantrum for having spent the night here, Cameron was happy for allowing Sasha to get a full night of sleep in a real bed with enough space to toss and turn. She had done it a lot, but Cameron figured that her subconscious had probably been disturbed by this new found comfort. If it was only for Cameron, Sasha would stay with her two more nights so she could sleep properly before the new week started. But she knew that wouldn't happen.

Cameron reluctantly got out of bed to go use the bathroom and took advantage of the journey to brush her teeth and hang a clean towel on the towel rack to have it warm by the time Sasha needed it. It was unusual for Cameron to be up first but she wanted to make good use of the spare time before going back to bed to keep on admiring Sasha for as long as she could.

For Cameron, no one could even pretend to compete with Sasha's beauty. It was almost surreal how gorgeous she looked without even trying. Sasha was the type of person to sweep anyone off their feet after a simple conversation, and Cameron had been a victim to her allure. What fascinated her though, was Sasha's oblivion. The blond seemed completely clueless when it came to her attractive traits, thing that Cameron intended to fix by constantly reminding Sasha of her beauty.

Even when Sasha opened her eyes and stared at her in confusion, Cameron was charmed. She couldn't properly see the beautiful chestnut brown color of Sasha's eyes, but she could still notice her expected terror and anxiousness. What she didn't expect was to see Sasha jumping out of bed without a single word.

"What are you doing?", Cameron asked as she sat up to reach for the switch, allowing for light to fill the room.

"What time is it? Where-", Sasha spun around frantically, apparently looking for something.

"Sasha", she called a bit loudly, finally grabbing her attention. "Calm down, it's just 9am", she added reassuringly.

"Are you serious? No, that can't be. I need... I need my phone", Sasha requested so Cameron got out of bed and opened her window before guiding Sasha to the kitchen where her phone was charging. It was quite surprising to see how Sasha threw herself on the device.

"You want some coffee?", Cameron asked softly as her hand reached for Sasha's lower back.

She got no answer, no reaction, no sound. Sasha was completely focused on her phone, which Cameron admired in a way. Her dedication to look after her mother was remarkable. But Cameron could see how stressful and tiring it was for Sasha, and she wanted to help her as she could all the while supporting her. So she kissed Sasha's shoulder and went to prepare coffee and breakfast while leaving Sasha to deal with her mother.

"Hi, sorry for going missing for so long... I'm doing great, don't worry. I fell asleep at a friend's house... Alright... Are you sure?... I mean, yeah. If you think that will do her good... Okay, I'll have a look when I get home. Thanks, Dr Schumer."

Cameron's curiosity was itching. She wanted to know what was happening with Sasha's mother and her doctor. She wanted to know if Sasha was okay, if she wanted coffee, if she needed to leave. However, she respected Sasha's privacy and kept on moving around the kitchen to set the table for two. Even at the sound of Sasha's loud sigh, she decided to wait for the blond to come to her.

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