39. Mute.

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From the very beginning of their relationship, Cameron hadn't ceased to tell Sasha that her sleep was precious and that interrupting it could become dangerous. However, Cameron was woken up in the middle of the night by Sasha shaking her and whispering in her ear.

"What the fuck do you want?", Cameron grunted and pulled on the duvet to roll on her side, even if Sasha was glued to her back.

"Cam, I heard something", Sasha whispered as she wrapped an arm around Cameron.

"Did I fart in my sleep?", Cameron mumbled.

"I heard steps. And voices. I think someone broke into the house."

"And I'm gonna break your nose if you don't let me sleep", Cameron said groggily, her semi-conscious state speaking for her.

"I'm serious. I'm gonna go check for myself", Sasha said and released Cameron before getting out of bed.

The absence of Sasha's warmth made Cameron painfully open her eyes. As she tried to catch sight of her girlfriend's shadow, Cameron wondered how in the world she had been woken up by noises coming from all the way downstairs. The thought of Sasha finding herself in front of burglars worried Cameron and made her decide to follow her. After wrapping herself in a blanket, Cameron gripped Sasha's arm to use her girlfriend as a walking pillow.

Without a word, Sasha opened the door and leaned forward to check their surroundings. Curious, Cameron leaned against her to look as well. Since they didn't catch any sign of light or movement, Sasha stepped out of the room and guided Cameron down the stairs, careful not to make any noise. When they arrived in the foyer, Cameron was starting to find it creepy. The house was pitch black and cold.

After verifying the living room and kitchen, Cameron told Sasha that there was no one in the house and that they could go back to bed. In spite of Sasha's skepticism, Cameron took the lead and dragged her girlfriend upstairs, her only desire being to go back to her warm bed and cuddle. But when they made it upstairs, Cameron did hear noises. Shuffling. Loud whispering. Faint voices. Then she noticed a dim light coming from the crack of Carter's bedroom door.

"Did he bring someone over?", Sasha asked against her ear.

"Maybe that's what you heard", Cameron immediately thought and looked at her girlfriend in shock.

"Well, either it's Vanessa and she's totally breaking her chastity vow, or it's someone else and he's cheating on her."

"I'm betting on the second one", Cameron whispered and detached herself from Sasha to approach the door.

Carefully, Cameron glued her ear to the door to try and hear what was happening inside. The same shuffling. Some slurps, meaning her brother was grossely making out with the girl. Then a soft thud, as if someone had fallen on the mattress. In this case, one of them had probably been pushed on it. Her curiosity getting the best of her, Cameron squatted down and closed an eye to peep through the key hole. Even though she couldn't see much, she could still decipher two people making out on the bed.

"I want to open the door", Cameron whispered as soon as she had stood back up.

"Are you crazy? You can't do that, you'll get caught", Sasha shook her head and grabbed Cameron's hand to keep her by her side.

"If I get caught I'll just make a scene and threaten to tell my parents", Cameron shrugged to show her girlfriend she wasn't preoccupied.

"If they see you, I'm out of here", Sasha warned her before stepping back to stay against the wall.

After taking a deep breath, Cameron approached the door and carefully wrapped her fingers around the handle. All so slowly, she pushed it down millimeter by millimeter, knowing that the simplest noise would ruin her mission. Once the handle all the way down, Cameron slowly pushed on the door, letting a split of dim light coming out of the room. The slurps were clearer, this time more intense and coupled with a few faint groans coming from her brother.

Not handling the suspense anymore, Cameron looked through the tiny split and had to cover her mouth not to gasp in shock. In front of her, Vanessa was naked, her face plunged between her brother's legs, her head bobbing up and down while her brother was holding her hair. Cameron glanced at Sasha to show her the extent of her astonishment and looked back into the room, only to find Vanessa positioning herself on top of her brother to start a more concrete chapter.

Cameron decided to leave the door like that and to run back to her room with Sasha. Once the door locked and the key in its key hole, Cameron collapsed on the bed and looked at Sasha in utter shock. She didn't have anything against their relationship, but she had never expected finding Vanessa in that position given her strong religious beliefs. In Cameron's head, that proved once again the hypocrisy of the girl.

"You know what?", Cameron whispered as she tucked Sasha in. "What we just discovered is exactly what we need to defend ourselves. If they want to attack us on our relationship, we'll have a weapon to fire back."

"We need to celebrate. Take me somewhere nice tomorrow", Sasha said as she took Cameron in her arms.

"We only have parks and museums around here", Cameron muttered in a disappointed tone.

"I love museums", Sasha whispered before kissing Cameron's cheek.

"I don't. I'll probably just take you to the movies", Cameron said before burying her face between the pillow and Sasha's neck.

Her fatigue reaching extreme levels, Cameron emptied her mind and enjoyed the soothing presence of her girlfriend to drift back to sleep. At the sound of a high-pitch moan coming from afar, Cameron grunted in discontent and covered her ears, hoping Vanessa's God would make her mute to punish her.

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