1. Playing solo

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Cameron had a clear idea of what she liked and disliked. She liked chocolate, cheesecake, cocktails, menthol cigarettes, clothes and makeup. Among the things she disliked, being woken up and school were at the top of her list. Unfortunately for her, her twin brother Carter was always behind her to push her out of bed and force her to go to uni.

When Cameron imagined her student years, she never thought she would have to share an apartment with her brother. She loved Carter to death, and she remembered crying for an entire weekend when he had left for his soccer tournament because the heartbreak was unbearable, but sometimes she just wished she could sleep until noon without having someone bothering her with classes. He was the first one to claim that it was important to focus our time and energy on things we loved. Cameron loved to sleep, and yet he was preventing her from enjoying it.

Even on weekends, Cameron could never catch a break. Fridays were reserved for parties, each gathering taking place in a different apartment. The logic would be to sleep all throughout Saturday but Carter only needed six hours of sleep to be operational and discretion never was his forte, making that Cameron would always be woken up by loud bangs or a glass breaking or a door slam, not helping her hangovers. At times, Cameron wondered if she should invest in earplugs just to experience the feeling of not being tired the minute she would wake up.

In spite of rude awakenings and unpleasant orders, Cameron considered Carter as the best brother and life companion she could ask for. He could be quite overprotective and territorial at times but Cameron couldn't blame him as her possessiveness could make itself known as well. Their connection and complicity was so strong that Cameron felt as if nothing and no one was allowed to come between them. Even as kids, Cameron got into trouble several times for scratching or biting the bratty princesses who wanted to take her 'Clyde' away from her.

This could perfectly define the dynamic of their relationship. Carter was the tall muscular one, but he was quiet and more rational. At the contrary, Cameron was driven and impulsive. He would be the one holding her back from fighting another person or pulling someone aside to settle the situation. Cameron loved that about her brother. He was always there for her, and he never hesitated to step in when he thought judicious to take her defense. He was her greatest ally. She couldn't imagine her life without Carter.

However, Cameron had to admit that her life would be easier if Carter didn't try to control it. She was grateful for an attentive and caring brother, but she didn't need a helicopter dad. When Cameron would be at the epitome of agony on the first day of her period, Carter would never show empathy or understanding. He would simply throw a bunch of tampons to her face and tell her to get up before they ran late. When she wasn't feeling hungry at dinner time, he wouldn't leave her alone or store leftovers in a Tupperware for later. He would force her to come to the kitchen and share a meal with him.

Cameron understood this need he had to always be by her side, but it was getting excessive. She couldn't step a foot outside of the house without justifying herself, she couldn't spend an hour alone in her room without having Carter welcoming himself on her bed, and she couldn't even be on the phone with her friends without him listening or asking questions over her hear. It was a continuous flow of suffocation that Cameron was tired of, but also knew she would never be able to get rid of. The only thing she wished was to have more freedom. Carter could do anything he wanted but she always had to give an explanation.

Even when it came to her company, Carter had a step in her circle of friends. They were a group of five girls, and Cameron was so lucky as to have all her friends crushing on her brother and welcoming him with open arms everytime they could. Vanessa was the most moderate one. They had known each other since primary school so she regarded Carter more as an attractive cousin than as a potential hookup for the following party. For Cameron, Vanessa was a true friend. When it came to London, Guadalupe and Mercedes, Cameron was more guarded but still enjoyed their company and the dynamic of the full group.

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