24. Sneak in

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In spite of the delightful couple of days Sasha had spent in Cameron's company, the sudden appearance of her father was bothering her. She gave herself one more night of real sleep in Cameron's bed and immediately set to work on Sunday.

Her first step was to read all the papers attentively in order to get a full understanding of the legal terms. From what she had read, this divorce was a simple formality. They didn't share anything, had no possession in common, no joint account. All in all, Sasha understood that her father needed this divorce to free himself.

In itself, the divorce was logical and should've had been granted ages ago from Sasha's point of view. She didn't want anything to do with her coward of a father, and her mother certainly had more interesting imaginary characters entertaining her life. However, Sasha was uncertain about two details. First, if her mother would be ready to sign these papers, and also if she was in legal capacity to sign them in view of her illness.

Sasha had been given power of attorney when it came to money decisions, but she didn't know if this mandate extended to other procedures, and she didn't know how divorces worked. For these two reasons, Sasha thought that the wisest decision would probably be to contact a lawyer and work these papers out with them. The only issue was financial. Sasha didn't know how much it would cost her to pay for a lawyer, and she couldn't decide whether to split the cost or to use solely her mother's money.

She decided to seek for advice in order to think of her next move. Cameron advised her to set an appointment with the nearest lawyer as soon as possible and to worry about the money later. Dr Schumer suggested to choose the most competent lawyer who would guide her best. As for Bernadette, she simply told Sasha to do what she had to do and offered her financial support that Sasha obviously turned down.

Thanks to Cameron's help, Sasha had a list of a few lawyers, all settled half way from the thrift shop and Sasha's apartment. Out of them, only one was available to promptly meet with Sasha so they set a time for the next day and Sasha immediately started gathering all her papers and documents to get ready. She also tried to initiate dialogue with her mother, hoping that would give her an idea of her feelings, but Nicole was nowhere near reality and was unable to string two coherent words together.

Sasha had no other choice but to go to this appointment on her own. As she stepped out of the elevator and glanced around her, Sasha immediately felt ill at ease and out of place. The receptionist alone was looking preppy, not helping Sasha's self-consciousness. And when she discovered the woman who would be her legal advisor, Sasha only wanted to turn around and leave the place. She was neither used to fancy environements nor comfortable in them. For instance, Sasha couldn't understand why one would waste hundreds on a leather chair when that sum of money could wisely be invested in more vital things.

"Thanks for seeing me so quickly", Sasha said a bit uneasily as she took a seat on the leather chair.

"Of course. My assistant told me you were sounding quite preoccupied."

"A little bit, yeah. I mainly need advice and answers though", Sasha pointed out to make sure the lawyer understood that she wouldn't make much when working with Sasha.

"Sure. What seems to be bothering you?", the lawyer asked as she opened her notebook to a new page.

"To make it short, my long-time disappeared father filed for divorce. The problem is that my mother is mentally ill. I do have power of attorney but I'm not sure of how it works in this case."

"Did your mother give you the power of attorney?", the woman asked while jotting a few words down.

"No, I have a court document. Her psychiatrist took care of the procedure", Sasha explained and took out her file to hand it to the lawyer.

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