13. One on one

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When came Friday morning, Cameron realized that she was confronted with a couple of issues that she needed to solve.

First of all, Zachary had been weighty and tiresome again, constantly texting Cameron to ask her out for drinks and offering her his expertise in baseball to help her with her classes. Cameron obviously made sure to leave him on 'read' and to avoid him, but they had friends in common, which convinced her that he would come to tonight's party.

Her primary idea was to ditch the party and stay home, away from her friends' irritating interrogations, from her brother's overbearing presence, and from Zachary's pestering attempts to seduce her. Cameron could totally fake an illness or get out of the house without giving any sign of life or even go for drinks with Ryan and go home afterwards when everybody would have forgotten about her. Her plan was still in thinking.

Her second issue was about Sasha. Cameron was dying to attend the game with her on Saturday but she didn't want to push it. She knew Sasha was having a tough period so she assumed that calling her again about it would be more annoying than anything. On top of that, Cameron wondered if bringing an unknown exterior face to uni would be the brightest idea to avoid drawing attention to herself and her companion.

Not that she was ashamed of being seen with Sasha. Far from it. She would have no problem in telling them that she was a new friend that she had met randomly. But she didn't want to have to lie and pretend as if Sasha was just an extracurricular pastime. Although her feelings for the blond were still causing her trouble, Cameron was certain that Sasha was more than a simple friend.

Given the development of her feelings and body reactions, Cameron came to reason and accepted that she was growing extremely attached to Sasha. Obviously in a romantic way. She had never been confronted to this situation, and she had no idea of what it could mean for Sasha or for herself, but it was clear in her head and in her heart that she liked Sasha. A lot. Sometimes Cameron wondered if she wasn't growing obsessed instead, but the attraction was still there and that was what mattered for her.

Cameron - My lecture is boring. Distract me.

... 🙈 - What's the lecture about?

Cameron - American baseball. Apparently they consider that a part of the country's history.

... 🙈 - Do you even like baseball?

Cameron - Nope, that's why I think it's boring.
Cameron - And also because that fucking dimwit can't stop waving at me. It's embarrassing.

... 🙈 - Who is the dimwit again?

Cameron - It's Zachary, the guy who always texts me.

... 🙈 - Oh yeah, we don't like him.

Cameron - No we don't. And there's a high chance he'll be at the party tonight. Kill me now!

... 🙈 - Can you not escape it?

Cameron - If I knew how then I would.

... 🙈 - 8pm at Vito's.

In order not to make a fool of herself and make herself noticed, Cameron had to bite her hand and hide her face. She needed to express her joy. She needed to shout and tell the world how happy she was that Sasha had asked her out. Kind of. She knew it would be a quiet dinner but it was still a huge step forward.

Cameron - Was that supposed to be a question?

... 🙈 - Did you see any question mark?

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