Hug all ur friends

Start from the beginning

"Okay," Nikki replied, not questioning the strange request at the ungodly hour. "Did I ever tell you about the time Space kid, Nurf, Ered and I went…"

Nerris put the phone on speaker and lowered the volume. She laid her head back on the dull colored cabinet and closed her eyes, letting the sound of her girlfriends voice wash over her. 

"And I don't care about my sleeping routine. I fucked it up as it is but we've got so much time to kill."

"You look like shit."

"Gee, thanks." Nerris mumbled, not lifting her head from the locker. Max just shrugged and leaned against the locker next to her, not caring about whos it was. Nerris didn't stop him. It was just Dolfs. Didn't matter. 

"So, rough night?" Max asked, the forced nonchalance in his voice sounding borderline painful. Nerris shrugged. 

"Haven't been sleeping too well lately." She mumbled. The bright lights were starting to hurt her head. It was pounding. She didn't know why. She only had...a few glasses of her mom's wine. 

Max hummed but didn't say anything else. He was still getting use to the whole "caring about others" thing, ever since he moved in with Gwen. He would've moved in with David but that would have driven him insane. Not like that stopped David from visiting everyday at least once. 

"Hey," Nerris piped up, grabbing Max' attention. "Wanna go to Waffle House with me at 3am?" Nerris asked, tilting her head to stare at Max. Max looked at her and raised an eyebrow. 

"What about sleeping?" He asked. Nerris shrugged. 

"Sleep is for the weak. Plus I've always wanted to go to Waffle House at 3am."

"As the night rocks me to sleep. Life's too short to worry about things that we got wrong"

Nerris stared at the fairy lights coating her room in an ethereal glow. No matter how many times she stared at them she never once regretted getting them. They were the first thing she ever bought with her own money and thanks her past self everyday. 

Nerris felt quite cold. She should put on a blanket...she didn't. She decided that a blanket would not be good enough. It was almost summer, just a few weeks of school left. It was a warm night, might as well stare at the stars. That's the whole reason her family moved out here, to ease Nerris and help her with her anxiety. The stars helped, so they moved to the stars. 

She climbed out of her bed, grabbing her hoodie, and over to her window. She had a little window seat thing, like in girl meets world. She usually spends most of her time sitting there but it was late. Netflix was calling and she moved to the bed. Then the show ended and now she's here. 

She opened up the window, making sure to be as quite as possible. Didn't wanna wake up and worry her parents. She climbed out and onto the roof. A rush of warm night air flew past her and she breathed in the smell of fresh leaves dew. It was a calming scent. 

She sat right outside her window. Not too close or she might fall. She tugged on her hoodie. It was one of Nikki's. She had stolen it. 

Yes, she was that girlfriend. Fight her. They're comfy. 

She decided to lay down. Count the stars and look at the constellations. When she did lay down, though, that did not happen. Her mind started to wander which is always bad for her. 

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