Chapter 19

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Kayleigh's POV

We all sat in the living room, everyone looking at Camilla. After we found out that Camilla was Garcia's sister, we all drove back to the house. Now we were all waiting for Camilla to explain.

Leandro was going to take her to the cells but I begged him not to. I mean, she was still my friend and I couldn't let him hurt her.

"So..Garcia is your brother, hunh?" I asked.

Camilla looked at me and nodded. "Yes."

"Did you know that he is involved with the mafia?" Lorenzo asked.

"What?! Mafia?!" Gabrielle asked, shocked.

I looked at her and told her to calm down, she wouldn't want to piss off these people. Ever.

She seemed to calm down, sighing in defeat and rolling her eyes. Oh, how I missed my best friend.

We all looked at Camilla again, waiting for her to reply to Lorenzo's question. We could all tell she was nervous. Who wouldn't be?

"Answer the fucking question." Leandro said, impatiently.

I saw how Camilla started shaking. "I-I found out three years ago." She said, her eyes watering.

My eyes went wide. She knew? She fucking new?! Every minute I spent in this damn mansion, I found out about things that I would've never thought of.

"How did you find out?" Emeliano asked, softly, unlike Leandro and Lorenzo.

That's what I liked about Emeliano. He didn't judge a book by its cover. He would get to know you first before judging you. He did it with me when I first got here. He got to know me and I think he had approved of me.

Anyway, Camilla looked at Emeliano, wondering if she should say anything. He gave her a small smile. She inhaled shakily.

"I heard him talking to my father one day. They were talking about business matters. And that's when I heard them talking about the mafia. Father had said that the Italian mafia was coming after him and his family. He was very scared, it was the first time I had ever seen him like that. Garcia told him that he would help him fix that matter. The day after, Garcia came home with blood all over him, and we realized that he was alone and that father wasn't with him. We asked him what had happened and he told us that my father had been killed by the Italian mafia. My mom was heartbroken but she did what she thought was best. She packed mine and her bags, and she told me that we had to run away. She told me that if we stayed with Garcia, we would be in serious danger. And that's when we ran away to America. She changed our last names from Velasquez to Mendez. And that's that..." she ended, sniffing.

I stood up and went to console my friend. I never thought that my friend had gone through such heartbreak. I mean, yes, she told us that she and her mother had ran away to America. And when we asked her why, she said that they would've never survived in Mexico because some dangerous people were after them. But I didn't think that she was talking about the fucking Italian mafia!

What was even more awkward was that the same people she and her mother were running away from, were the same people sitting right in front of her.

Lorenzo, Leandro and Emeliano looked at each other. There was an awkward silence. Lorenzo scratched his neck, nervously.

"Well, this is awkward." He muttered. Emeliano slapped him across the head. Lorenzo glared at him. Sometimes I forgot how Lorenzo could act like a damn child.

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