
"So you've been single since Temptation Island?"Billie asked AJS. They were sitting on the living room couch conversing.

"Yup. Ever since I got my ass dumped on the beach."

"So why haven't you moved on yet? Are you still hung up on Lexi?"

"Oh no. Not at all. I'm over that. I just haven't been getting around much. Ive been focusing on myself mostly. Work kept me busy. Never really got a lot of time to think about moving on."

"And what about Lacey. That girl seemed like she was about ready to have babies with you."

"I....dont know. We talked for a little bit but...I needed my space."

"Okay so...be honest with me AJ....when was the last time you had some action?"


"No like, I'm concerned. Im not trying to be weird. When was the last time you got it on? Was it with Lexi like forever ago?"

AJ hesitated to answer, "Well.....I did go to this bar some time ago and hooked up with this lady."

"How long ago was that?"

"About...2 or 3 months ago?"

"You've got to be joking me. You need to get laid."

AJ nervously chuckled, "Id.... rather focus on the game."

"Oh don't be a dill."

"A what?"

"Is there anybody you have your eyes on at least?"

"Not really. A lot of the girls here I'm really good friends with or I just won't ever have those feelings for."

"So what was so special about Alexa?"

He took a deep breath in, "I.....dont know. All I knew was that for a time...she loved me and I loved her."

"So you had no pre existing feelings about her before you guys started dating?"

"Honestly, getting together with her was so unexpected for me. I came here on season one with the goal being to go to the finals,not get myself into a relationship but....it happened."

VC-Billie-Poor AJ. I think if a crackhead said that she loved him he'll marry her. I don't think he personally knows what love feels like.

"I think you need to loosen up more. Alexa's not holding back. I think you need to stop being so tense and enjoy things a little more. You're always so focused and angry and scary. Have a good time while you're here. I know that you're trying to win the game but.....its okay to have fun too."

AJ nodded, "Yea..... you're right."

"I know."

VC-AJS-Billie's right. I cant remember the last time I had fun. Ive always been so caged in that, I forgot what freedom's like. Im finally here on The Challenge as a single man and...its about time I take advantage of that.


"Who are your number one allies right now?"Chris asked Mandy and Alexa who were in the kitchen.

"I think it has to be Roman and John because of Naomi."said Mandy.

"For me its probably Velveteen and Aleister or maybe Johnny and Tommaso but.....I don't know. We've never actually agreed on anything. Tommaso doesn't like me for some reason so I don't know if I can fully depend on them."said Alexa.

"Okay, hear me out. I know we haven't exactly been close to each other but.....im willing to work with you girls"said Chris.

"Oh really?"Mandy asked skeptically.

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