72 | He takes you to a concert

Start from the beginning

In came Dallas your long time friend, & another sober person to join you in the room. He sat on the couch next to you and started to watch tv. Ten minutes later your thoughts were interrupted by Steve Randle drunkenly waving his hands in front of you, "helllooo, is anybody in there?" This caught the attention of the whole room and you blushed wholesomely.

"I was just thinking about that concert tomorrow" you said "I have no one to go with."
All of a sudden the room bursted with noise, all of the guys (minus a select few; Dally, Tim, Darry) swarming you begging you to take them. They apparently had no idea you had an extra ticket for the Elvis concert. You laughed rejecting each guy, which grew into almost an annoyance by the end of the night.

Finally it was time to leave the Curtis house and like always, someone was going to take you home. This time it was Dally, considering he was the only person safe to drive you home that night. He'd been quiet all night but as soon as you got in the car he began his pitch on why he'd be the best option for the concert. Oddly enough he was convincing, you ended up taking him to the concert..

Not only did a concert happen that night, but you also became Dally's girlfriend.

Two-bit: You and Two-bit were driving the long road to the parking lot of the old fair grounds for a late night drinking sesh. As you approached, however, the usually abandoned and uninhabited stretch of road grew more and more crowded with teenagers and young adults all seeming to draw the same direction towards a growing sound of music. You were utterly freaked out which was contrasted by your boyfriend, Two-bit, becoming increasingly curious of the matter. Disregarding your wishes to stay in the car and go home when you arrived to the parking lot, Two-bit left the car for a moment only to return no more than a minute later. When he returned, a grand smile stretched upon his face, his excitement filled the air of the car. "Babe. I just found my cousin, Sully. He said Johnny Cash threw a surprise concert. Nobody knew until this morning, no tickets needed!"

You were too excited to believe him. You threw open the car door and made your way towards the old stage where you saw your favorite singer in person.

Johnny: You remember the day vividly. You were walking home from school on a Wednesday afternoon when Johnny came running up behind you excitedly grabbing you as he did so, which was quite unusual for him to get so worked up. Despite this nearly scaring you half to death, Johnnys excitement caused your excitement. After catching his breath Johnny flashed two concert tickets at you, before even reading what they said you knew it. It was The Beatles. They were your favorite band but you'd been bummed ever since you knew they were performing in Tulsa because you knew you couldn't afford tickets, or even claim them before they sold out.

"Where on earth did you find these Johnnycakes?" You questioned with a smile stretched across your face.

"I won them from a radio show about an hour ago!" Johnny giddily replied back.

You two ended up going to the concert on Saturday that weekend. You and Johnny both could easily say that was the best night of your lives. And not to mention all of the girls in your school were super jealous when you returned to class the next Monday.

Steve: Steve was taking you to a car expo in Oklahoma City. Usually you weren't excited for these types of things, but this time was different. This car expo was annually the biggest one in the state and gained a lot of attention from surrounding states, and many celebrities and big brands looking to buy luxurious automobiles and automobile parts. When Steve got the tickets to the show four months ago, your excitement began as soon as you read "guest performance by The Beach Boys, Saturday @ 5."

When you arrived to your hotel in Oklahoma City, you immediately wanted to get to the show to see if you could find the band. Steve was sluggish but didn't want to disappoint you, he went to the hotel room to put luggage away while you sat in the lobby excitedly. Moments after Steve left, you saw one of the band members enter the lobby and you nearly fainted in his presence. It turned out the band stayed in the same hotel as you, that made for an interesting weekend.

Tim: For your birthday months earlier Tim had bought you tickets to see The Rolling Stones.

All was good the night of the concert. You'd put on an outfit your parents definitely would not approve of and Tim drove you an hour away to Oklahoma City where the arena was. It wasn't until the gates when the night went in a different direction. You and Tim were stopped by an employee and denied access into the arena. "Counterfeit tickets" the man explained. In that moment your heart dropped, so did Tim's. Tim began a small argument with the staff that you knew would turn violent quickly. You practically drug him back to the car. Tim was heartbroken that he'd disappointed you. He explained he bought the tickets off some guy in the parking lot of the drive-in. After some time you began to calm down and realize that from the car you could hear the music amazingly. You and Tim spent the night parked in the lot of the arena jamming out from what you could hear. It ended up becoming one of the most memorable nights of your life.

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