Nanny Dove shit-disturber

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"Well youse do be friends, don'y youse?"

"Well, I like to think that we are more than just friends."

Nanny Dove put her knitting in her lap.

"Willam, me son. Matty tinks da world be youse. Ise never seen 'er take to anyone likes she takes to youse."

"But she changes every day."

"Me son, Matty still bes a woman and she's still 'as da rite to change da way she feels.

But I cans tells youse dis, me son, she likes youse a lot."

"Then why do I feel like ..."

"Likes what me son?"

"Like I am an outsider."

"Willam, 'ow longs 'ave youse been 'ere in da Bay?"

"Just a month or so."

Nanny Dove nodded.

"And youse knows dat your people be from da Bay. Silas proved dat fer youse."

"I know, but still, i feel like I really don't belong. I still feel like people look at me as a mainlander."

Nanny Dove let out a long, long exaggerated sigh.

"Ise don't knows whats to tell youse den, Willam. Dis bes yer 'ome."

"I know. Its just me. I always do this. Kinda like J.D. on 'Scrubs'. Every time he gets a great girl, he finds something wrong and fucks it up."

Nanny Dove nodded.

"'e does be a bit of a jerk at times fer sure."

"You know 'Scrubs'?"

"All us cool peoples watched 'Scrubs'. Dey bes da cat's meow."

Bill just shook his head. It was a conversation he did not want to get involved in.

"I just keep putting pressure on me. And that makes me try even harder."

"Den stop tryin'. Jest be yourself. Don't be puttin' pressure on yerself and 'specially don't bes puttin' pressure on others, 'specially Matty."

She sat back and started her knitting and rocking again.

"Ifin its meant to be, den it will bes. Ifin its not meant to be, dens dere be nothin' dat youse can do to make it be."

Bill forced a smiled. 

"I guess you are right."

"Of course Ise be right, Willam."

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