Nanny Dove shit-disturber

Start from the beginning

"Don't wait. Tell him yes," Bill suggested.


"Just tell him yes. Get hold of him in the morning somehow or email him tonight, but tell him yes. I have a plan that just might work."

"Really? Tell me, tell me." Matty was getting excited.

"Nope. Not until you get home.

Talk to the fisheries. Get the allotments and come home to me. Take a later flight if you have to, but go and see him."

"Okay. I'll go to the fisheries office in the morning. I will email Hefford tonight and let him know our decision. And I'll see you tomorrow night."

"Sounds good. Just get this thing over with and come home."

"Stop worrying Bill. I have no interest in anyone else, just you. Now go and have a drink at the Pub, but stay away from those two vixen cousins, Yolanda and Val. I think they have a crush on you."

"They scare me," Bill laughed.

"I think I will stay home and do some work on my ideas."

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you, Matty. Nite."


"It bes a gud ting Ise don't 'ave carpet on me floors, 'cause youse wud 'ave ad it plain wore out."


Bill continued pacing.

"Will youse sits down, me son. Looks what youse did to poor ole Jarge."

I looked over at Jarge, asleep in his dog bed.

"Youse dun got 'e all tuckered out."


Bill had been pacing for almost an hour. He didn't know why he was so nervous as he waited for Matty to arrive home from St. John's. She had called about a hour earlier saying she was in Deer Lake. Bill had been pacing ever since.

"Whys does youse be so nervous?"

Bill stopped pacing and shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know, he sighed.

He sat down on the couch.

"Its just that I never know what to expect with Matty."

"Whats youse mean, Willam."

"Well, one day she is all lovey dovey and the next she acts like were just friends."

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