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"Elsa Irwin?" My art teacher, Mr. Evans called out as he was taking attendance

"Here." I replied, smirking at him.

He gave me a small smile and a wink.

"Did he just wink at you?" My best friend Sabrina Oakley questioned, wiggling her eyebrows

It's no secret that Spencer Evans was the hottest teacher in our whole school, but it is a ginormous secret that we've been a thing for quite some time.

"Maybe." I smirked, kicking my feet up on the table and staring at my leather boots.

Sabrina may be my best friend, but that doesn't mean I always tell her everything.

"Feet off the table, Miss Irwin." Spencer scolded

"Yes, sir." I smiled at him, obliging.

He went on to tell the class our assignment, and then sent everyone off to get their supplies from their boxes and bins.

Sabrina and I both got our things, and talked about the randomest things as we painted.

"So, how are you and Sam?" I asked Sabrina

"We're really good," She grinned widely at the thought of her boyfriend "Really really good."

"That's good." I nodded, smiling at her.

We continued to talk and paint our pictures until it was time to clean up.

"Miss Irwin, could you please stay after class?" Spencer questioned as the sixth period bell rang.

I nodded, sitting back down in my seat as my peers all filed out of the classroom.
Once everyone was gone, Spencer shut the door, and locked it.

"Sir, huh?" He questioned, smirking.

"I don't know what you're talking about, sir." I smiled innocently, standing up and walking over to his desk; sitting myself down on it.

"Oh, Elsa." He smirked, walking over to me and placing his hands on my hips, pulling me close to him "You've always been such a good girl, haven't you?"

"You tell me." I breathed, pulling him in by his necktie and pressing my lips to his.

"What are you trying to do to me, baby?" He whispered as he kissed down my neck and laid me down on his desk.

I whimpered as pleased me, feeling electrified. I ran my fingers through his perfectly quiffed brown hair, messing it up as I did so.
I began to unbutton his shirt as he kissed lower, and lower, until-


"Fuck," I muttered, sitting up as Spencer went to go answer the door.

I tried to remind him of his half unbuttoned shirt and sex-hair, but it was too late by the time he had already unlocked the door.

I quickly hopped off the desk and went to go grab my bag.

"Mrs. Hemmings," Spencer greeted as the door opened "How may I be of service?"

"Oh, well, I,-"

"Bye Mr. Evans!" I smiled gleefully, cutting off the math teacher as I rushed out of the door.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Mrs. Hemmings give me a weird look. But I don't give a fuck.

I trotted down the hallway and out the double doors until I was in the front of the school. I spotted my brothers black SUV and walked over to it, climbing in the passenger seat.

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