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Elsa's POV

"So, how did things with your dad go?" Sabrina asked as we were painting in art class. I'd been ignoring her the whole time, seeing as I was annoyed with her.
I continued to ignore her, knowing it would piss her off. Why out of all questions would she ask me that? She knows it's touchy.

"Why do you even care?" I eventually huffed, still looking at my painting "So you can smile and talk about how wonderful your rich daddy is? I'd rather not."

"You have no right to be mad at me for having a good dad." She rolled her eyes "You have a mom. I never hold that against you."

Ah yes, so this comes up. Sabrina's mom left when she was a baby. She never really knew her, but my mom had always been that mother figure to her. This is kind of where our friendship dynamic came from. We bonded over both having divorced parents when we were younger, which made us as close as we are.

"I don't hold it against you!" I squeaked quietly, and threw my paintbrush down onto the table "You rub it in my face all the time! I have never rubbed the fact that I have a mom in your face, ever! She practically raised you! Your dad barely even says hi to me!"

"Do we have a problem here ladies?" Spencer walked up to our table

"Oh, Elsa, you disturbed your boyfriend," Sabrina giggled "I'm fine, Mr. Evans. But you might wanna calm your girlfriend down."

Spencer sighed, playing dumb. "There is no need for such inappropriate behavior, Miss Oakley. I'm gonna separate the two of you. Irwin, go sit with Serafine over there." He pointed and then walked back over to his desk.

"Don't ever fucking talk to me again." I snapped, taking my stuff and sitting down with some girl I barely even know.

Class went by, and we all finished up with our paintings. Before Sabrina and I argued, I was thinking about Spencer. Well, actually, I was thinking about Luke, and ending things with Spencer. What we have, is honestly nothing. We're just hook-up buddies, and he's even proven to me that he can't handle me at my worst. But then again, there's that part of me that wonders if I would be thinking this if I hadn't met Luke.

I had finally finished cleaning up my area with Serafine, and was about to go up to Spencer to speak with him after everyone left, but I was cut off by a tall, pregnant, ginger woman walking into the room.

"Jenny!" Spencer said, looking like he had just seen a ghost. "What are you doing here?"

"What?" She smiled, walking around his desk "I can't come visit my husband at work? I was thinking we could go for an early dinner."

As soon as the word left her mouth, I glared at Spencer as I rushed out of the room. Not only does he have a wife, but she's pregnant too! How could he do this?

"Ellie, wait!" I heard him say behind me as I rushed outside. I hadn't seen Ash's car yet, which I guess was a good sign.

"You're married?! I squeaked "And she's pregnant?!"

"El, I can explain..." He said quietly

"Explain what?!" I yelled "You know that my dad cheated on my mom, you know that I hate home wreckers! So why?! Why would you make me out to be someone I despise? Why would you unknowingly make me the other woman?"

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