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Ashton's POV

"I like the summer rain
I like the sounds you make
We put the world away
We get so disconnected
You are my getaway
You are my favourite place
We put the world away
Yeah we're so disconnected

Oh oh o-o-oh, oh oh o-oh
We're so disconnected
Oh oh o-o-oh, oh oh o-oh"

"That actually sounded great," Calum said. We had just rehearsed that song for the first time ever. Michael and Luke recently wrote it, and we finally put it to music.

"Yeah," I said "I really like-"

"Ashton!" I heard Elsa scream from outside

As soon as I heard her voice I dropped my drumsticks and ran outside, nearly knocking over my drum set as I did so. I ran to the backyard to find Elsa crying with an unconscious Harry in her arms.

"Oh my god, what happened!" I ran towards them and took them both into my arms. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the rest of the boys coming outside.

"We were playing in that stupid fucking treehouse," She cried "And I told him to be careful, but he got too close to the edge and he fell."

"I'm gonna call an ambulance, I need you to call mum and tell her what happened." I told her as I pulled out my phone

"She's not picking up," Elsa whimpered, putting the phone down "We need to get him to help, Ash."

"Luke, can you get a cold towel from the kitchen?" I asked, he nodded "Come on, let's take him inside until the ambulance gets here."

Elsa nodded, still crying her eyes out.

"Come on," Cal helped her up as I carried Harry inside "He's gonna be okay."

"This is all my fault," She sobbed "I should've been watching him more carefully."

"It's not your fault, El." Luke said as he put the cold towel on Harry's forehead

I was about to say something, but was cut off by the sound of the ambulance pulling up outside.

"We'll follow you guys," Cal said as we all rushed outside "He'll be okay, don't worry."

Elsa and I got into the ambulance with Harry as they put a breathing mask on him. I held Elsa, and she held Harry's hand the whole way there.
Once we reached the hospital, they rushed Harry into a room and kicked both me and Elsa out, forcing us to stay in the waiting room.

"I knew we shouldn't have gone in that stupid fucking tree house," Elsa put her head in her hands "Dad built that fucking thing years ago,I knew it was unsafe, but he gave me the puppy-dog face and I couldn't say no to him."

"Ellie, no ones blaming you but yourself," I wrapped my arms around her "He's gonna be okay."

"I can't live with myself knowing I caused him harm," She sobbed as the boys ran into the waiting room

"How is he?" Luke asked, sitting down next to Elsa

"We don't know," She sniffled "They won't let us see him."

"He's gonna be fine." He half-smiled

"Please stop saying that," She shook her head "I don't wanna hear it again."

"Elsa," I sighed

"Ash, this is all my fault." She repeated, getting up, and starting to pace "I'm supposed to be the one who protects him, and takes care of him! He doesn't have a dad, he barely has a mum, he's relied on me his whole life and I let him down!"

"Ellie," I stood up to try and stop her pacing "Calm down, you didn't purposely hurt him. You never meant for this to happen. Harry knows that. I know that. Kids get hurt, it happens. God knows how many times you got hurt while I was watching you. He's gonna be okay."

"You don't think he's mad at me?" She sighed, leaning into me

"I think he'd be mad if he knew you were blaming yourself." I kissed the top of her head

"I'm gonna go get some air," She took a deep breath and grabbed her bag "I'll be just outside, come get me if you need me."

"Be safe," I half-smiled as she walked away. I knew she was probably going out for a smoke. She always done that when she's stressed out.

"She cares so much," Luke said, seeming almost shocked "I honestly didn't take her for that kind of person."

"No one ever really does," I replied "She puts up this good girl bad girl persona, but she's really just another normal girl from Hornsby. Not that she's ordinary, but she's not who she likes to think she is."

"I'm starting to see that." Luke nodded

"Why does she put on an act?" Calum asked "She seems like a really good person."

"I think it has to do with our broken home," I sighed "She and our dad were really close, she took the divorce the hardest. She's never really told me why exactly she tries to be someone she isn't, we all just kind of go along with it."

"Don't you guys ever get worried?" Michael asked "I mean, she just went to jail last week. If I had a little sister I'd freak out."

"Well our mum is honestly never home enough to know. She sees her for her, when she's taking care of Harry and Lauren. She doesn't see who she is at school, or even outside of the house in general. So that just leaves me to worry about her, and if I impose I'm just being her annoying older brother."

"Older brothers are pretty annoying." Luke laughed in an attempt to change the mood

"Excuse me, are you with Harry Irwin?" A doctor walked up to us

"Go get Elsa," I told Luke "Yes,
I'm his brother."

Luke's POV

I did as Ashton said and walked out to the front of the hospital to go find Elsa. I found her sitting on a bench, smoking a cigarette, looking at the sunset.

"Hey Ellie," I said as I walked up and sat down next to her "The doctor just took Ash in to tell him what happened."

"Okay," She nodded, throwing her cigarette down and stepping on it. "You don't have to stay, you know."

"Why wouldn't I?" I put my arm around her and she leaned into my shoulder "I care about you guys, I'm not just gonna leave."

"I guess I'm just used to people leaving," She sighed, standing up "Come on, let's go see what's going on."

"Hey, wait," I grabbed her hand "Come here."

She let out a breath, but walked back towards me.

"Don't get used to people leaving," I hugged her tightly "Cause even if you get sick and tired of me, I'm sticking around for a while, and that's a promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," She looked up at me "I'm trouble, Luke. Something's gonna happen and you're gonna want to leave me. That's just how it goes."

"Not with me." I shook my head

"You'll see it eventually." She sighed, walking back into the hospital.

Elsa's POV

"Hi bubbas," I smiled as I sat down on Harry's hospital bed "How do you feel?"

The doctor had told us he'd just bumped his head a bit and sprained his wrist, but nothing super serious.

"I'm okay. Are you okay?" He asked, grabbing my hand

"I'm fine love," I half-smiled and kissed his forehead "I'm just glad you're okay."

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