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Elsa's POV

"I think I'm gonna get a cab home," I told everyone as I stood with Ashton "I really can't stand to see him like this any longer."

"Text me when you get home," Ash kissed my forehead "Love you!"

"Love you too." I half-smiled as I walked out of the hospital

I sighed as I got in the car, and braced myself for a silent ride home. This past week has been so stress filled, I just can't even think straight anymore. Fighting with Ash, getting arrested, seeing my dad, getting to know Luke, losing Sabrina and Spencer, Harry's injury, and the argument with my mom... It all just feels so heavy, and I feel like I'm sinking. I really thought that I was in a good place, that I knew what I wanted... I guess not anymore.

I thanked the driver as I stepped out of the car, and made my way into the house. I texted Ash and then began cleaning the mess the boys had made earlier to try and take my mind off of things. But once I had finished cleaning, my thoughts had gotten to me again, and I was in tears.
I made my way into the bathroom and stared at myself as I cried, gripping the sink.

"Stop crying," I muttered "Stop thinking." I kept repeating this to myself, but it really didn't help. I found myself hyperventilating, and I couldn't calm myself down.

I was snapped out of everything by the sound of my phone ringing. It was Luke. I contemplated over whether or not I should answer it. I wasn't in the mood to do anything with him, but I did feel like being with him. Something about his presence made me feel calm.

"Hey," I answered, trying to seem cheery "What's up?"

"I just wanted to check in and see how you guys are doing," He said "Are you okay?"

"Not really," I sniffled "But, it's whatever. Do you wanna go somewhere? I wanna get my mind off of things and I don't really wanna go alone."

"Yeah, sure. Do you want me to pick you up?" He asked

"Please," I half-smiled "Both of the cars are still at the hospital so I don't have any form of transportation."

"I got you, see you in 10?" He responded

"That works," I grinned "See you soon, Lukey."

"See ya." He said, then ended the call.

I smiled to myself in the mirror, and touched up what I could in 10 minutes. All of the blue had pretty much faded from my hair except for a few strands, so for right now I was completely blonde. I decided to pin back the front two pieces of my hair so that my face could feel a little more open. It felt good to not be hidden behind hair for once.
As I was putting my shoes on, I heard Luke's car horn from outside. I looked at myself one final time, and I headed out. Luke was standing, leaning against the car.

"Hey beautiful." He smiled, pulling me in for a hug

"Hi." I grinned, looking up at him.

"How's Harry?" He asked, opening the car door for me

"He's okay," I responded when he got in the car "I just didn't wanna be in the hospital anymore. I can't stand hospitals. They smell bad and there's just too much sadness."

"Sometimes there's happiness," He said as we began driving. I had put the directions in the gps on my phone, so he knew where we were going. "Like, babies. Babies bring happiness."

"Not always," I pointed "Sometimes a baby is bad news."

"Well aren't you just such a pessimist." He laughed

"I keep forgetting you don't know me that well," I chuckled "I'll save the self deprecating comments for later."

"Elsa," Luke laughed again "I think I've gotten pretty close to you."

I died laughing, knowing he was talking about last week after Ashton left.

"Please babe," I smirked, kissing his cheek "That was just an introduction."

"You know," He put his hand on my inner thigh and gripped it "I get why Ashton didn't introduce us sooner."

"Mhm, why's that, babe?" I questioned, leaning close to him, pressing soft kisses on his face "Cause I'm just so irresistible, right?"

"In 600 feet, your destination is on the right: The New Broken Scene." The GPS cut us off

"Well," I backed up "Looks like we're here."

"What is this place, anyway?" He asked as we walked towards the entrance

"It's a bar," I told him "I know the bouncer so he won't card us."

"Hey Elsa!" Larry said as he opened the door for us "Is this a newbie?"

"Luke, put him on the list." I replied as we walked in

"Welcome to The New Broken Scene." I grinned, sitting down at the bar "Ryan! Get us a round."

"Ahhh if it isn't the ice queen herself," Ryan chuckled "A round of what babe?"

"Tequila shots." I smirked, looking at Luke "Scared?"

"Not at all," He shook his head, downing the first shot "You?"

"Luke," I chuckled, propping myself up to sit on top of the bar "I am one of the queens of the new broken scene;" I downed the second shot, "Scared is not in my vocabulary."

"So who's the other queen?" He questioned, downing one more shot

"To be honest, I don't know what to call her," I sighed, taking another shot "We've been best friends since birth, but we got in a huge fight and haven't spoken since. This is our spot, though. We've been coming here for almost three years now."

"What was the fight about?" He peered "If you don't mind."

"That," I shook my head "I cannot tell you."

"Well then, let's finish getting your mind off of things." He smiled, handing me another shot.

We clinked our shot glasses together, and downed them at the same time.

We finished the round, and the both of us were absolutely gone. We were all over the place. If Ryan wasn't the bartender, we totally would've gotten kicked out.

"You, are so, hot." Luke slurred, grabbing my waist

"I could say the same about you, babe." I smirked, leaning into him "Ryan! Can I have the keys to the back office?"

"Just don't make a mess." Ryan chuckled, tossing the keys to me
I giggled, running in front of Luke to go unlock the door.

Once we were inside, both of our shirts were off, and I somehow ended up on top of the desk. I ran my hands through Luke's hair as he held me down and kissed me roughly, but passionately.

I let out a small moan as he unclasped my bra and began kissing my neck.

"Whatya say, babe?" He smirked, pulling away from me

"I say, more drinks, and save this for later." I pecked his lips, clasping my bra back on

He chuckled, pulling me in for another kiss, "Totally worth the wait."

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