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"Oh shit." I froze and Sabrina and I made eye contact.

The police officer stood there and crossed his arms looking at us. "Ladies I'm afraid that I'm going to have to take you downtown."

"No, no I can explain!" Sabrina whined with tears in her eyes

"You can explain it to the judge," He said "Please exit the vehicle. We'll have your car impounded."

Sabrina was always the panicky type when something went wrong. I used my right to remain silent and let everything go as it did. Cops can be cruel, and I'm not about to be another victim.

The officer handcuffed us and we were sat in the backseat of his car as the sirens went off and we were on our way to jail.

I thought about my one phone call, and who I would contact. Sabrina was already with me so that's not an option. Her dad would bail her out, but he would leave me in here. My mom would actually kill me, and Ashton would be all "I told you so," like. Spencer wouldn't come after what happened the other day, so I'm totally screwed.

Sabrina and I were thrown into a holding cell after we were fingerprinted and photographed for our mugshots. We were told that an officer would come by to explain everything to us.

"Elsa!?" A familiar voice said

"Uncle Leo?!" I smiled, knowing my way out of here.

"What are you doing getting busted for weed, Ellie?" He nagged

"It's a long story, I get a phone call right?" I changed the subject

"Of course. Would you like me to dial your mother for you?" He asked

"No," I shook my head "My father. Please."

He looked pretty shocked, but proceeded to call my dad for me. I figured that after nearly ten years without him, I could guilt trip him to do this one thing for me.

My uncle returned, telling me that my father would be here in twenty minutes. He proceeded to call Sabrina's dad for her, too. Having him call was easier on the both of us, because neither of us knew what to say.

"I still can't believe you called your dad," Sabrina shook her head "That's almost a new level of desperation."

"Well I'm sorry not everyone has a dad who didn't walk out on them." I glared at her

"Elsa do you not remember how horrible he was to your mom?! Even I remember that!" She snapped

"Sabrina," I breathed out "I don't want to talk about this right now. I just need to get out of here."

She just nodded and faced the other direction.

"Miss Irwin, you're free to go," Another officer came to tell me "Your father is waiting outside for you."

"Thank you." I nodded, letting him uncuff me and walk me out to the area where I met the all too familiar face of the man who left.

"Ellie.." My dad, James, whispered, stretching his arms out for a hug.

I was hesitant, so I just stood there, denying his invitation.

He nodded, obviously understanding.

"Do, uh, you want me to take you home?" He asked

"I don't know if going home is a great idea.." I shook my head

"How about some lunch?" He offered "Pizza, like we used to every Sunday?"

"Yeah, um, that would be okay." I nodded

We walked out to his car, the same car I watched him drive away in.


"Do you think I'm stupid?!" My mother yelled. Ashton and I watched from the stairs, as my parents fought worse than they ever had before.

"Yes, AnneMarie! I do! Why else would you still be with me?!" My father yelled back

"Because I care about my family! We have four children, James. Four! Do you think I want to raise four babies without a father?"

"Don't you think they'd be better off without me?!" He asked

"What does he mean?" I whispered to Ash

"I'm not sure," He shook his head "I don't get it."

"Mommy? Daddy?" A two year old Harry waddled to where Ashton and I were sitting

"Shhh," Ashton grabbed Harry and held him in his arms "You have to be quiet."

Harry pouted, but stayed quiet.

"I don't know how much longer I can do this, James..." Mom shook her head "You let me down so much. You aren't the man I fell in love with. The man I fell in love with wouldn't have had another woman. The man I fell in love with wouldn't think that his kids would be better off without him... Who are you?"

"I don't know what you want me to say, Anne. But I'm done." He said quietly, grabbing his keys.

"Nooooo!" I squeaked, running down the stairs as my father walked out the front door "Daddy, please don't leave!" I cried as his car revved up and drove away.

"Elsa," Mom came, picking me up from the driveway "I'm sorry babygirl."

"He has to come back!" I sobbed "He has to!"

Mom stayed quiet as she walked us back inside. I ran up to my room, laid in my bed, and cried.

"Elsy," Ashton walked into my room "Are you okay?"

"No," I pouted "He's gone, Ashton."

"Ellie?" Dad said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Are you okay?"

We were already at the pizza place and my dad was looking at a menu.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. I zoned out, I guess." I said quietly

"Well, pepperoni and sausage?" He asked

"Yeah," I nodded, smiling a little. He remembered my favorite pizza.

"So where have you been the past ten years?" I questioned

"I traveled, a lot.. Um, I re-married a woman I met in England named Sophie, and, uh, we have a seven year old daughter named Alice.." He explained

"Are you planning to leave her too?" I snapped, seeing as he left me when I was seven


"I was seven!" I cut him off, as tears rolled down my cheeks "You didn't even say goodbye! I watched you drive out of my life, dad. You know mom never moved on? She dedicated her life to raising us and making sure we were happy! And where were you? Having an English love affair? I called you hoping that maybe, just maybe there was an ounce of hope left. But God, was I fucking wrong. Enjoy your pizza, James. Because now, you get to watch me walk away."

~ Natalie

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