Mama Needs a Break

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|Stephanie's POV|

I had just got home from a busy afternoon. Between a press junket I have coming up in a couple of weeks, endless meetings starting Monday, I'm taking the rest of this week off. My body is telling me to rest and prepare for what's to come. I'm learning more and more to delegate when it comes to my career.

Today was just a day. This afternoon solidified for me that a break was not only needed, but necessary. Shane had texted me on my way from the office that the kids were fed and ready for bed. Well at least my younger two were. The other two, who knows.

It was quiet when I walked in, strangely quiet. I kicked off my shoes, dropped my keys and purse on the coffee table and made my way towards the kitchen. I saw a plate, a glass of wine, and a note.

In the theater with M and V. The other two are upstairs. Enjoy the dinner and your wine.


Thanks big brother. Food and wine is much needed at this moment. It'll semi-calm me down from the hustle and bustle of the day, plus help kick this headache that's forming. As I enjoyed my food and wine, I received a text from Paul.

I know it's been a rough day. I'm catching a flight back once the show is over. I'll give you a call from the jet.

Usually Paul comes back mid-Thursdays and I see him by the afternoon with the kids. Having him come back early makes all this nonsense with Rory easier to deal with. I finished my food, started the dishwasher, and headed upstairs. On my way to my bedroom, I heard yelling coming from Rory's bedroom. Moving towards her room I heard...

Ok, I'll get a spanking. Maybe a punishment. Things will eventually blow over. I think everyone is overreacting just because you don't know my friends...

They're not your friends! That's the whole fucking point!

Really?! So what, you're the only one that can make new friends. Picture perfect, star athlete Zack. That's bullshit and you know it!

Before these two really went at it, I opened the door to break it up.

"What are you two in here arguing about? Zack, you're supposed to be in your room doing homework and Rory you the same. Yet here you are cursing at each other. Aurora, you and I will talk once I get your sisters settled. Zachary, go to your room and do your homework."


"No, I don't want to hear it. Just do what I said."

He moved past me and I closed Aurora's door.

"Care to tell me what that was about?"

"Zack being Zack."

"Mmm, right. Did you get your work done?"

"I finished everything I missed from today. Still working on the rest, but I set up a schedule to get it done between now and Monday."

She went to her desk and grabbed a piece of paper. Handing it to me, she indeed created a schedule of what needed to get done down to how long it would take her. Why couldn't she have just done this in the first place?

"You know, all of this could have been avoided."

"I know."

She wasn't remorseful so there was no sense in me pressing an issue that she didn't care about. I'd leave that for Paul. I'm more concerned about her getting her grades back up and she seems to have a plan in place. I'll just do a daily check in with that and going forward, make sure she has weekly progress reports for the remainder of the school year.

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