Chapter 1

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Stray Kids had two months off after the news that Woojin left. They were of course sad. Though, Jeongin could tell something was off. He was off.

With no reason, he started having kid-like tendencies. He wanted to color in coloring books, cuddle and play with stuffed animals and so much more. Was he crazy?

"Jeongin?" He heard, looking up to see Chan looking down at him. "Are you okay?"

He could only shrug, words not coming out easy. The dorms were quiet... Too quiet.

Chan sat next to him, pulling him into a hug, "It's okay, Jeongin."

The youngest just nodded.

"Want to help me make food?" He then asked.

Jeongin just shrugged, following his hyung to the kitchen. Without much talking, Chan started to boil water for noodles while Jeongin started getting some meat out.

"I'll do the meat. How about you just do the noodles?"

He just nodded, moving over to watch the water in silence. His mind wandered as he just stared at the water.

Chan looked over to him in worry. He knew they all were taking the news hard. Woojin and Chan were great friends but he knew Jeongin looked up to Woojin. The younger must be heartbroken.

Though, Chan could tell it was more than just that. He could tell something was off with the youngest. Just by the fact he wasn't saying a word and staring at the water. Though, Chan didn't know how to help. He was now the oldest and everything was riding on his shoulders.

"Do you guys need help?" They heard, looking up to see Minho.

"Um, sure? You can maybe set the table?"

Minho nodded, looking over at Jeongin. He raised an eyebrow at the boy who was just looking at the water and looked back to Chan. Chan found himself shrugging at the boy's behavior as he kept making the meat.

The water started boiling, but Jeongin just stared. Minho noticed, telling the boy to maybe get the others. Jeongin mumbled something that the two couldn't understand before making his way to the couch.

"I don't know what's wrong with him. I mean, I get the news is sad but... he seems so different." Minho stated, putting the noodles in the water.

"I know... But Jeongin looked up to Woojin a lot. He probably is taking the hit the most." Chan shrugged, finishing the meat and putting it aside. "I'll go get the group. Can you keep an eye on him?"

Minho nods, getting back to stirring the noodles. He saw the youngest start sucking his thumb which he thought was weird but said nothing about it as he could tell the boy was out of it. The group all sat down and started eating in silence.

Chan looked over to see Jeongin just picking at his noddles. "Jeongin?" He called.

The boy looked up with big eyes.

"Are you okay? You've been picking at your food." Chan asked. The members looked over at him in worry.

Jeongin couldn't speak, no words were coming out. So he just shrugged, pushing his plate away for him to leave the table.

"He didn't even eat..." Jisung stated.

"He's been acting so weird today. He was spacing out and he didn't even talk to me." Chan sighed.

"Yeah, and when you went to go get the members I saw he sucked his thumb."

The group was all focused on Minho, not noticing one member freeze up.

"That's strange." Seungmin stated.

"I mean, we could just see if he's better tomorrow? We have to make sure he eats something." Felix suggested.

"Yeah, I'll put some food aside for leftovers." Chan stated. The group dispersed to do their own thing.

Seungmin left for his room, closing it and grabbing a stuffed animal he had under his bed. He opened his door, looking to make sure no one was out and slid across the hall for Jeongin's room.

He closed it, looking over to the younger. The boy was curled up on his bed, back facing the door.

"Jeongin?" He called softly.

The boy looked over at him and he saw his red puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks.

"W-ats wong wif m-me?" (W-What's wrong with me?) He cried.

Seungmin quickly ran to hug him, rubbing a hand on his back, "Nothing's wrong, Jeongin. You're okay." He stayed until the boy calmed down.

"Hey, I brought you this." He showed Jeongin the small stuffed cat. He heard the boy gasp, locking eyes on the stuffed animal.

"W-weally?" He asked in wonder.

"Yeah, she can make you feel better." Seungmin gave him the cat.

Jeongin carefully took it, "N-name?" He asked.

"Hm, what do you want to name her?"

"S-spawkal!" Jeongin exclaimed with a wide smile.

"Sparkle?" Seungmin chuckled, "Such a cute name."

"T-tank ew Seungie!" (Thank you Seungie) Jeongin brought him in a hug.

Seungmin smiled, running his hand through the boy's hair to help him slowly fall asleep. Once he pulled the cover over Jeongin he slipped out of the door to find Chan walking towards Jeongin's room.

"Sh, I just got him to go to sleep." He whispered.

"Is he okay?" Chan whispered back.

"Yeah, gave him a stuffed toy and it seemed to make him happy."

"Oh, well that's good. Thanks." Chan smiled, leaving for his room.

Seungmin sighed, leaving for his room. Once he closed it, he slid down against the door with a sigh.

Why now? Why does he have to be a little?

He wondered, looking over at a box he had next to his bed. Does he dare?

Locking his door, he went over to his box and quickly smiled, pulling out a small stuffed bear.

"Seungie weally missed du Jin." (Seungie really missed you Jin.) He cuddled the bear, closing the box before going to his bed. "Do you tink you can bwing back Woo-hung? I don' tink I can handle a nodder liddle." (Do you think you can bring back Woojin-hyung? I don't think I can handle another little.) He pouted, cuddling into the blankets and falling asleep.

A/N: Yay! Here we go! ^w^ First chapter is done! I was thinking that I could write what the littles are saying if it's hard to interpret? I'm not sure. >w<' I hope this was good. I decided to post this as my first Stray Kids story as the other one I was writing wasn't good...

Started: April 15, 2020

- Updated as per request to translate what the littles are saying ^w^'

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