Three Months Later

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Your POV

I pace the cool, dark corridor of the prison building, waiting for a guard to lead me to the visiting room.

"Y/N? Follow me." the female guard commands.

I wipe the sweat from my hands on my red-colored dress. This is one of the most nervous moments of my life. I will finally see Paul again after three miserable months. Is he feeling so nervous too? Is he excited to see me again?
My slow steps annoy the guard .
"Hurry up ma'am, I don't have all day." She says.
"Sorry." I say and pick up my pace.

I step into the room and go to Paul's seat. I sit down in front of him and see his eyes looking at me. Those beautiful gray eyes of his.

"Hey." I say and put my hands on the round table. Paul puts his handcuffed hands on mine.
"No physical contact." I hear a guard say.

"Hey Y / N." His voice is husky. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." I wipe a tear from my cheek and try to control my emotions.

"Don't Cry." He says. "You look so beautiful."

I smile at him and sigh. "Isn't it too bad here? Are they treating you badly?"

"The first weeks were a nightmare. I also spent some time in isolation and in the infirmary."

"The infirmary?" I ask, a worried look on my face.

"Now don't you worry about me. How are you?" He says, a small smile appears on his lips.

"I'm fine. I'm just bored all the time and I miss you." I hate small talk. I just want to go back to how it used to be. But this is the closest I could get to him and I need to accept that.

"You won't have to miss me for long."

I'm confused. "What do you mean?"

"I'm getting out of here." He whispers.

I look around to see if anyone is overhearing our conversation.
"Paul, this isn't prison break." I whisper. "This is real life and things like that are only possible in movies and books."

"I've got a plan. Now are you with me or not?" He asks impatiently.

"Y-Yes. Of course, always."

"We will be together again soon my dear Y/N."

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