The Downfall (Part 1)

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Your POV

I can feel my freedom slipping away when the officer handcuffs me. I feel so helpless and scared.
I try to look at Paul and scream his name but I can't find a way to get in touch with him.
Everything is going so fast, my world is falling apart in this one moment.

Our escape plan failed. I knew it was a possibility but I really hoped this wouldn't happen.
We went over our plan about twenty times, listed all the things that could go wrong. But still we failed.
Yesterday I was just a normal person, a good friend and a good daughter.
Now I am an accessory to murder.
The whole world will know who I am.
Or at least, the worst part of me.

The agent is ordering me to sit down, but I don't get the chance to go sit down myself because he pushes me in the chair.

"Go easy on her."
I look at the woman who is sitting in front of me. The first person who I can look straight in the eyes since I've been arrested and pushed around.
She's beautiful. If I would meet her in another situation I'd probably smile at her and compliment her style.
"You can go ." She asks the other agent.
He immediately listens to her.

"(Y/n), I'm Detective Superintendent Stella Gibson."
I'm still looking at her with the same fear in my eyes.
"22. That's very young. You just started your career."
I don't want to say anything if she's not asking questions so I remain silent.
"Do you really want to waste your time in jail? All that time you can use to create a successful career?"
"Jail? I didn't do anything!"
I try to stay calm but my fear won't let me.
"So you didn't know that your boyfriend killed those girls?"
"He didn't do that."

I break the eye contact and stare at the empty table.
My wrists hurt. Everything hurts. I just want to feel Paul's comforting arms around me and hear him say that everything's going to be fine.
The thought of that makes me cry.

"We have proof, (y/n). We have all the proof that he's the Belfast-strangler. All we need is his confession. This conversation we're having is about you. I need to know how much you know and in how far you assisted the crimes."

She's right. I don't wanna waste my time in jail. I want to spend all of it with Paul. He's all I care about.
She has no proof at all. Some violent man claiming that Paul did this crime is not proof.

"You have all the proof?" I ask her, looking in her eyes again.
"DNA, the photo album that he kept that's full of pictures of the crimes. Like I said, all of it."
My throat is closing up and my chest is hurting.
I look at the pictures which Stella is putting on the table. She does it slowly.
They seem to have been taken from a horror movie, but those girls are not some fictional charachters. They are real. Human beings.
I can only look at the pictures for a few seconds. I feel sick at the thought that Paul did this.
"This could have been you." She says.

The pain I feel in my wrists is nothing compared to the emotional pain I feel.

"He didn't do this. You don't know him."

My tears are blinding my vision, I can't stop crying.
She looks at me with pity in her eyes.

"You are blinded by his beautiful face. And his words. The way he looks at you. The way he makes you feel. He has all power over you. Just like he wants... But he's a monster in disguise, (y/n).

He doesn't love you, he doesn't know what love is."

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