The Downfall (Part 2)

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Paul's POV

I have been in this dark cold room for God knows how long.
The bed isn't comfortable at all and the smell in here is making me sick.
I can't do anything, I'm alone here with my thoughts and it feels like I'm going crazy.
Have they put (y/n) in a room like this? I swear if they hurt her I will kill them!

I hear someone opening the lock of the steal door. A tall man is standing by the end of my cell.
"Get up." He demands.
I do as he says. The cuffs around my wrists and ankles make it difficult to move.
Two officers walk behind me. Ridiculous. How could I possibly be able to escape?

They push me into the interrogation room where a young slim male is sitting at the table.
One of the officers places me on the chair in front of the inspector.
"Hello Mister Spector. My name is Detective Sergeant Tom Anderson. I will be interrogating you. This conversation will be recorded and may be used in the court of law. Are you willing to participate?"
I look up from my tied hands and frown my eyebrows.
"Yes." I say with a raspy voice. "First I wanna know where (y/n) is. I need to see her."
Anderson stops writing and looks at me.
"You don't need to see her. You need to answer my questions."
"Let me see her!"
My anger doesn't have any effect on him, like he's used to this.
"She's doing just fine without your presence. Now are you ready to answer my questions or do we need to take you back to your cell for a while?"
I say nothing, not letting his words get to me is the best I can do. I know he's lying. (Y/n) isn't fine without me. She needs me. And I need her.

He clears his voice before asking his first question.
"Are you aware of the reason why you are being interrogated?"
"No." I intend to keep my answers brief.
"Does the name Elisa Adley ring a bell? Or Sarah Key perhaps?"
He doens't turn his tired eyes away from me, inspecting every reaction.
"Not even from the news?" Anderson asked, pretending to be confused.
He can't hide that he's losing his patience with me.
"Were you going to do the same to (y/n)?"
Really? He's playing that card?
"Were you going to rape (y/n) and kill her too?" Now he's making my blood boil.
"Keep her name out of your mouth!" I lash out at him.
He leans back and makes gestures to the police that they shouldn't intervene.
"I see right through you Paul. You're a psychopath. A broken soul."

Right after he says that the door opens. I see a blonde woman standing by the opening. I have seen her before. Her name is Stella Gibson.

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