The Night We Met

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Your POV

Before leaving the restroom I apply some red lipstick on my lips. I hardly ever wear makeup, only when I go out for drinks or when I have a date.
I go back to the bar where me and my friend Anna are seated but I see her talking to a guy I don't know.
"Hey, (y/n)! This is my friend Tom. Tom, meet (y/n), a friend I met in college."

For the next hour Anna didn't involve me in the conversation. She keeps on ordering wine for the three of us though.
Tom finally involves you in their conversation. "(y/n), do you wanna go back to my apartment with your friend? We can have some fun there." He smirks.
The question makes me feel uncomfortable and Anna notices that I don't want to come with them and it seems like she doesn't want that either. She wants to go alone with him.
" I'm sorry but I think I pass on that offer." I say.
"Too bad for you." Tom says, whilst handing over money to the bartender.
They both leave, hand in hand.
I smile and shake my head.
When I ask for another glass of wine I think this is the last glass.
There aren't many people in the bar. I look around and notice a dark-haired man with a nice beard and grey blue eyes sitting a few tables away from me.
I look at him until he looks back. A smile appears on my face but it doesn't seem to affect him.
Should I go over to him? I ask myself.

Paul's POV

The brown-haired girl in the short black dress who I've been looking at for a few moments looks back at me.
She's pretty. But she looks young. Is she even old enough to be in this bar?
She smiles at me. Instead of smiling back, I look away.
I take one last sip of my beer and then ask for the bill. I can't stay here any longer, I would just keep on fantasizing bad things I would do to the girl sitting there. This was a mistake. Going out tonight was a mistake.
Just as I'm standing up from my seat she walks up to me. Shit.
"Hey, do I know you from somewhere?" She asks.
"No, I don't think so. I've never seen you before."
I stare into her brown eyes and I feel uncomfortable. She looks down. Is she shy?
"Well, do you want to get to know me?" She asks.
She doesn't know what she's getting herself into.

Your POV

I can't believe he didn't reject me.
He's so good-looking. How does he not have a girlfriend? Or does he?

We both order wine. I know it's a bad idea to drink another glass because I already feel a little drunk but I can't control myself now.
"I didn't get your name." I say.
"My name's Paul, and yours?"
"I'm (y/n)."
I wait for his next question.
"Do you live here in Belfast? You don't have the accent."
"No. I moved here a few months ago after I graduated. I have a job here."
"Really, what kind of job?"
"I'm an accountant."
He looks interested which I like.
"And you? What job do you have?"
"I'm a bereavement counselor."
I don't know anyone who does that for a living.
"That must be difficult at times. Seeing other people's suffering, helping them cope with their grief."
"It is." He says.
I hold my hand between the stem of my wine glass and start spinning it slowly.
"When did you decide you wanted to become a grief counselor?"
"I don't want to talk about that." He says nervously.
He frowns his eyebrows whilst looking at my hand that's holding the glass.
"I'm sorry." I say with a regretful look.
"It's okay, you don't need to apologise."
He looks at me now. His eyes are slowly moving up and down and then he looks away again. He clears his throat and says he needs to use the restroom.

Paul's POV

I enter the restroom. I take the girl's ID out of my sleeve. I stole it earlier when she went to the restroom, her friend didn't notice, she was too busy trying to lead a guy on.
Checking her date of birth I find out she's turned 22 years old this year. She looks a bit different on the photo, short hair, no makeup.
I put the ID back in my sleeve and go back to my seat.
Her wine glass is empty. She looks at me and smirks when I finish my glass too.
"What?" I ask her.
"Nothing. I should go home but I don't want to." She says.
"Why not?"
"Because it's nice here, with you."
I could go with her. Walk her home. Act like I intend to bring her home safe. She interrupts my dark thoughts.
"Do you have someone to go home to?" She asks.
I lie and say no. She doesn't need to know that I have a wife and a daughter and a son.
"Okay." She says, with a smile.
She smiles a lot.
"I could walk you home." I suggest.

She's more drunk than I thought. I help her walk but it takes too long.
I tighten my grip around her arm and start walking faster.
"Paul, what are you doing?! Slow down please." She sounds young and innocent.
I sigh and losen my grip. She thanks me and tries to walk faster.
"It's right here." She says.
I help her to her door and open it for her.
"Do you wanna come inside?" She asks.
She doesn't know what she's asking for.
I follow her to her bedroom. The closer we get the more I want her. I want her tight up on her bed, exposed. I want my hands around her neck.
"Shit. Anna got home." She says.
I see her friend laying in the bed with that guy from the bar.
"She said she was going back to his apartment. I'm sorry I didn't know."
"It's fine."
We go to the living room and she lights up a cigratte.
"Do you smoke?"
She looks tired.
"I do when I had a few drinks."
The smell is disgusting me.
I take the cigarette from between her small fingers and put it in the ashtray.
She doesn't ask why I did that. Instead, she leans forward and kisses my lips. I taste cigarettes and wine.
She moves her tongue slowly but I have no intention to make this passionate.
I bite her lip. Hard. She pulls away, holding her finger on her lip to stop the bleeding.
She kisses me again, more rough this time. I hold both her wrists and pin her against the wall. She seems to like it.
I let go of one of her wrists and put my hand around her throat.
She looks confused and scared. Good.
With her free hand she grabs my arm as hard as possible.
When I see that she's trying to say something I losen my grip.
She starts coughing.
"I'm feeling sick. I need to go the bathroom."
I let her go and she stumbles up to the bathroom.
I should be more careful. I can't kill her now, I would leave too much evidence. Besides, I don't know much about her. I want to get to know her first.
Before I leave her house I leave a glass of water on the table and my number too.

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