Wanted Man (Part 1)

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- A week later -

Your Pov

The identity of the Belfast-strangler has been revealed. The man in the picture is currently missing, he's a danger to himself and certainly a danger to others. If you see this man, please immediately report to the Belfast Police Department. They also ask people who have been in contact with this man, to give as much information as possible.
The Belfast-strangler has assaulted and killed five young women.
This man has a fa-

I can't listen to this anymore.
My heart is pounding and I can't breathe.
This woman on the news is saying that Paul is the Belfast-strangler. MY Paul? That can't be true! She's lying!
I feel like I'm going crazy, I'm sweating and I feel dizzy just thinking about it, imagining Paul killing those women, squeezing the last bit of life out of them. He would never do that!

After calming down I try to look for signs. I decide to take a hot bath and pour myself some red wine. A flashback from our first night is going through my head.
I was really drunk so I don't remember much, it's blurry and I might remember some things differently. I see myself walking home with him, he carries me inside. Seeing Anna and her new boyfriend laying on the bed, I apologize to him but I don't know for what.
We walk to the living room and smoke on the couch. Next thing I know he has his hands around my neck but he lets go when he sees that I'm sick.
I remember well! He was rough with me, but it didn't seem like he wanted to kill me...

I wrap a towel around me and go to my front door to grab the paper from today.
I take a look at the front page article. Of course it's him. All his victims are brunettes, just like me. In their 20's, just like me. They were young business women, just like me.
So why didn't he do the same to me? Something doesn't add up.
I remember our conversation from a week ago, in his car, when he saved me at that birthday party. He said he's done bad things and he will do them again.
My clothes and ID, he placed them in my living room... it was him. All of it was him.
One thing I know is that I HAVE to go to the police and tell them everything I know about him.

I'm trying to start my car but my hands are shaky.
Get yourself together. You can do this.
I force myself to stay calm, taking deep breaths.
This is the right decision, I know it is.
When I stop at a red light I get a call. It's Paul.
"(Y/n), I saw the news and I bet you did too.
You can't go to the cops."
"You killed all those women! You're sick!"
"I didn't do it."
"Were you gonna kill me too? Were you? answer me!"
"I didn't do it okay! I'm being set up. I can explain!"
The light turns green so I start driving until I find a place where I can park.
"Are you still there?"
"Yes. I'm driving to the police department as we speak." I hope he doesn't hear the fear in my voice.
"Are you even listening to me? I didn't do it, I would never do that."
"How can I believe you? It's all over the news!"
"Please let me prove my innocence to you."
"I'll text you an adress. Please meet me there."
"Do you think I'm crazy? I'm not meeting up with you!"
"Don't be afraid of me, I'm not going to hurt you. If I wanted that, I could have done it a long time ago."
What he's saying makes sense. But should I just believe him like that?
"Okay, text me the adress."
I hang up and take another deep breath.
I hate my impulsive actions.

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