Dreams And Fantasies

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Your POV

After overthinking for a while I decide to call Paul.
With shaky hands I dial his number. Voicemail.
"Paul, it's me, (y/n), the girl from last night. You left your number on my coffee table so I thought I'd give you a call. If you get this can you call me back? Bye."
Anna is standing by my bedroom door.
"So I know it's sad that I'm moving out. BUT, I have a way to make it up to you. I reserved a table at your favorite restaurant, so you better get your hungover ass up and get ready."
I am indeed a bit sad that Anna is moving out but at least I will have more space now.
"I'll be right up." I say with a smile

Paul's POV

Saturday, 1PM. I wake up from my wife opening the door.
"Hey, sorry for waking you. Why are you sleeping on the couch?"
"I was just laying down, fell asleep here."
She looks exhausted.
"The kids are at a birthday party and it involves a sleepover. I've got the night shift at the hospital so it's just going to be you tonight. I'm sorry."
I'm trying my best to hide that I'm relieved.
"I'm going to take a shower and go to bed."
She kisses me. Just a quick kiss.

I go to my study and type in the name of the girl I met last night. I find her Instagram page, she's very active on there.
She shares a lot about her life. I see that she's posted a picture with her mom, wishing her a happy birthday. I see pictures of her graduation, a picture with her sister and lots of them with friends. She's loved, wanted, successful.
It makes me want her even more.
The dark thoughts won't leave my head. I take my notebook and start writing down what comes into my head. Every bad thing. I want to bring those fantasies to life.

In the evening I drive to her home. I see that she's not there. She left the window open, thinking she's always safe.
I take my time to look in her bedroom, this time I'm wearing gloves so I don't leave any evidence. I look in her drawer. I look through her underwear and smell the soft clothes. I quickly close the drawer and hide in her closet when I hear a car parking in front of her house.

Your POV

Anna decided to go out for drinks again but I'm too tired to go with her.
When I get home I go straight to my room, finding it weird that the light was on.
I take my jeans and shirt off and lay on my bed with only my tank top and underwear on.
I think about Paul again and wonder what he's doing.
Would he be thinking about me too? If he did, he would call me back.
What if I never heard from him again?

I crawl under my sheets and turn the light off.
I dream of Paul. Kissing in the bedroom, this time he's gentle.

Paul's POV

It's too hot in this closet. I think she's finally in a deep sleep now.
I get out of the closet and take the clothes that she took off with me to her living room.
I look at the pictures of her mom. I don't see anything of her father. It's like she doesn't have one. I wonder what happened to him. Or between them.
I throw her shirt and jeans on the couch and place her ID on the table.
I look at the wall where I had pushed her against last night and relive the moment in my mind. This time I strangle her harder.
For some reason I stop fantasizing about murdering her at the part where I'm about to squeeze the last bit of life out of her.
I don't know what stopped me. That never happened before.

I leave her house, I go to the bar where we met last night. I miss her already.
I call her, asking if she wants to come over and of course she says yes.

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