
Start from the beginning


"Wear something nice, what's that supposed to mean, wear something nice?" Genevieve huffed as she rooted through her wardrobe.

She just caught up to Severus in the corridor as he was running around like a madman. All-day he had been avoiding her and when she did finally stop him in his tracks, their conversation was stripped back to the bare minimum.

So as she fought with her evening wear, Genevieve's mind wandered to the occasion of this special outing.

"Everything has been running smoothly so far," she thought, pulling out an outdated floral suit, "I'm not pregnant, even if I was he couldn't possibly know."

Dropping the dress she had in her hand, one thought wouldn't leave her head," What if he's leaving me?"

She shook her head, settling on a low cut white blouse, pale pink suit trousers and her black heels. Sitting down on her bed, Genevieve glanced towards the moving photograph of her late grandmother.

"Oh grandmama," she whispered, blinking back her tears, "What if he leaves me, just like you."

Dismissing the notion, Genevieve stood up, grabbing the clothes off her armchair," If he's going to call it quits, so be it."

As she headed down through the courtyard, Genevieve grew ever more curious and worried, every possible scenario playing out in her head. Before she even realised it, she was already at the Black Lake, the falling sun showing the lake with dancing crystals.

Taking a deep breath, she followed the path laid out with flower petals, red roses and dahlias to be exact, signifying love and commitment. Using her arm to push past a shallow wall of ivy, Genevieve gashed with astonishment at the sight in front of her.

A quaint plaid blanket lay in the middle of a magically altered flower meadow, lit up by candlelight with a woven picnic basket in the centre of the blanket. Genevieve quickly covered her open mouth with her hand, containing a gasp of amazement.

"I hope it's not too much, I tried to do it myself but then that didn't go to plan so I reigned in Minerva," Severus explained, appearing from behind the wall of leaves behind her, holding a bottle of champagne in his other hand.

Noticing Genevieve's bewilderment, his smile vanished, replaced by one of concern,"  ...you don't like it do you?

"Oh no, it's wonderful, I just...never mind." she trailed off towards the end, feeling daft that she had ever thought of it in the first place.

"No, what is it, it's the candles isn't it? I knew we had too many, but trying to tell Minerva that-" he was cut off by Genevieve.

"I thought you were breaking up with me."

Severus was completely taken aback by her statement, giving her time to explain herself, "We didn't have the smoothest start and you were ignoring me all day, so I just assumed the worse."

Fully recovered, Severus guided Genevieve towards the picnic area, sitting down beside her. Transferring a daffodil into an ice bucket, he chilled the champagne, lying down on the blanket.

"I thought you didn't lounge," Genevieve commented with a smirk, lying down beside him.

"I don't, but for you, I am more than willing to make an exception," he replied, causing her to giggle slightly.

Catching her by surprise, Severus sneakily planted a kiss on her lips. This caught Genevieve by surprise, not impressed by the look of achievement on his face. Taking it as a challenge, Genevieve switched their positions, now lying upon his chest. Placing a kiss on his lips, Genevieve couldn't pass the opportunity so smirk with her achievement.

Neither of them wanted to lose their little game, so when their clothes were thrown aside, it was clear that no one could win in the game of love. Genevieve curled up beside Severus' bare chest, offering warmth to where she cold. Gazing up at the stars, Genevieve traced their outlines on his muscular biceps.

"Why is a raven like a writing desk?" she asked him, looking out to the stars in the night sky.

"I haven't the foggiest idea."

They enjoyed the rest of the night in a peaceful silence; only the swaying of trees and the sound of water provided the background melody to their content composures.


Woah this week was hectic. I'm sorry if this chapter isn't that up to par, most of my attention has been on my dog who had to get an operation on her side. She's recovering very well so thank you for understanding.


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