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[Chapter 8 - The Past Revisited]

[Chapter 8 - The Past Revisited]

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In the week following their 'argument', Genevieve and Severus put their childlike ways behind them, enjoying each other company. To much surprise by others, the pair could be seen in deep conversation, laughing freely and exchanging knowledge on long walks by the castle.

Today, Genevieve and Severus were taking advantage of their free class deciding to take a stroll by the lake.

"You know, you are a very unusual woman, Ms Blackwell" Severus started off the conversation.

From the few days he began to know her, he noticed all her peculiarities, such as the way she held herself and talked as if it was embedded into her that this was the way she was to act.

"Unusual Severus, how so?" Genevieve asked, lounging down by one of the elder trees and absorbing all the sunlight.

Even as a teacher, Genevieve never gave up her childish ways. Call it an act of rebellion.

"By doing strange things like this" he pointed out her position, but she merely waved him off, patting the ground next to her for him to come to sit.

"I do not lounge"

Genevieve gave him a pointed look, not believing that statement in the slightest and determined to break Severus's hard exterior.

"Yes, you do so come-"

"No, I don-"

"Fine, we'll just walk then" Genevieve gave up trying to argue with the stubborn wizard, got up from her very comfortable position, and linked her arm with Severus.

The action took him by surprise, but he made no attempt to release. Silence eloped the duo, the vague humming form Genevieve providing some background music.

"Why do you sing?"

Genevieve casually replied, " its fun."

Severus gave no more thought to the answer, but Genevieve was brought back to old memories.

"My Grandmama taught me how to play music, " The sudden change in topic gained Severus's attention while Genevieve continued on, " She would sing to me and show me that music was the oldest form of magic available to mankind" A smile lay engraved on her face, her eyes lit up with pure adoration for her grandmother.

"Did your mother ever sing to you?" Severus remembered his mother singing a soft lullaby, wishing him to sleep after beatings from his father.

The smile that was once there vanished in an instant, replaced by a cold, sombre grimace.

"No, she didn't have time to sing to me." Genevieve rarely thought kindly of her parents, after they shut her out of their lives.

Turning to face the lake, Genevieve watched as the ripples in the water danced to their own melody. Her empty answer gave Severus the hint, that she too grew up in a loveless home. Maybe they did have something in common.

Without thinking his actions through, Severus made his way over to the lake and put a reassuring hand on Genevieve's shoulder, sending a silent memo of sharing broken childhoods.

"My Grandpapa loved to play the piano, " Genevieve spoke softly, not taking her eyes off the magnificent view, she loved so dearly from her own years at Hogwarts, " he used to compose his own music."

"He sounds like a great man" Severus kept a hand on her shoulder, but kept his eyes on her.

Being a skilled legilimens, Severus could see the memories as they replayed in her head, ones of her grandparents associated with joy, while her parents brought sorrow and bitterness. 

"He was. He passed away when I was twelve," Severus went to convey his sympathy but Gen waved her hand signing her understanding, " he was working on a piece for my sixteenth birthday, so grandmama finished it for him. They had called it "Per Aurora"

"Aurora, as in Sleeping Beauty?"

"Yes. It was my favourite bedtime story, my grandparents would always say I was Aurora, just with shorter hair." Genevieve laughed at the memory of her Grandpapa scolding her for having short hair, 'you look like a boy' he used to say.

Look at her now, he would've been delighted that she had grown it out.

The sun was slowly setting, but they were in no hurry to leave. They stayed in this relaxed stance until Genevieve had an idea.

"Come with me" she dragged him back I to the castle, up to the seventh floor, pacing three times until the wall reassembled itself into a huge pair of iron doors.

Ignoring Severus's calls of confusion, Genevieve made her way towards the grand piano situated in the middle of the garden decorated room.

"What on earth are you doing," Severus inquired, sceptically approaching the wooden music maker.

"I want to play for you" Genevieve lifted up the cover, note bashing, letting her fingers slide onto the right keys.

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Severus gazed at the many emotions flood Genevieve's face as she played, hitting each note so elegantly.

He took note the way her head lowered in the middle of the piece, by the end, the force of keys slamming under Genevieve's fingers drowned out her sobbing.

By the end, Genevieve was crying her heart out, too many emotions, she didn't want to deal with, burst her food gates. With the tables turning, Severus held the poor woman as she let out all her sorrows.

Friends are always there when you need them most.


And I have updated! Hope you enjoy!


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