He hopes it isn't because of him that she walked off.

Things don't seem to be working out the way he wants it.

He enters his first class and notices Ivy sitting in the front row, busy with her phone.


The heartbreaker is in his class this morning.



She walked away.

She really did walk away to avoid a conversation with Christopher.

If he didn't directly say hi to her, she wouldn't have said anything to him.

Brooke just had to make him come over, didn't she?

But she walked away.

Can you blame her for walking away?

We're talking about Christopher Hayes here.

They've been in the same school for three years now. This year is the fourth and they have never had a conversation before.

Get that?

They have never spoken to each other before.

Not even a simple 'Hi'.

Well, that was up until last Saturday at the park.

She could swear that he didn't even know she existed before then.

Now he's suddenly trying to talk to her?

After a week of them sharing a kiss in a stupid game of 'spin the bottle'?

Why now?

What changed?

She'd like to know.

Could it really be the kiss?

Brooke says it is but she doesn't believe that.

As stated before, it's Christopher Hayes we're talking about.

He's the subject matter.

The protagonist.

He probably kisses new lips every night.

Better lips.

More experienced lips.

So NO, it can't be because of a kiss that he notices her now.

A kiss that originated from playing that stupid game at the party.

Stephanie walks to her locker to get ready for class with all those thoughts in her head.

And Brooke?

She'll get her for this.

She heads into her first class and settles in a seat towards the back.

Luke walks in and scans the room. He sights Stephanie and walks to her.

"Hi Stephanie," Luke says.

She looks up and sees Luke standing.

"Hi, Luke."

"How are you?" He questions.

"I'm good. You?"

"Same," he shrugs. "Someone here?" He gestures to the seat to her right.

"No," she replies and watches him take the seat.

Is Luke really sitting beside her?

Things are really changing around here, she concludes.

Spin The BottleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon