43 | We're Dating

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Chapter Forty Three: We're Dating

The beginning of the ride home is silent. Steph busies herself by looking out the window, thinking about what transpired between her and Chris.

How on Earth does Chris like her? She keeps asking herself.

Brooke, the designated driver does her job but occasionally glances at Steph. She knows that Steph thinks she likes Luke and it must be a dream come true for him to ask her out on a date. But Brooke believes Steph likes Chris but hasn't realised it yet. She believes they're meant to be together.
The car comes a halt when they reach a stop light.

Since Brooke can't stand the silence anymore, she decides to break it.
"So....." She trails off, tapping her fingers on the steering wheel.

Steph turns away from the window to look at her, waiting for her to complete to her sentence.

"So.... What's going to happen now?"

"Uhm... What do you mean?" Steph says.

"What are you gonna do next? What's going to happen next? What will you say to Chris when you guys see each other again which is gonna be tomorrow?"

"Honestly," Steph looks ahead. "I don't know. All I'm very sure of is that it's going to be weird and really awkward. Wait."


"What if he was lying? What if this is some kind of joke to him? You know how guys are. It might be a bet of some sort because I'm still finding it hard to believe," Steph says bemusedly.

Brooke continues to drive when the light changes to green.

"What's there not to believe, Steph? What? For crying out loud, the guy just poured his heart out to you and you're finding it hard to believe? I'm finding it hard to believe you right now." Brooke says with skepticism.

Steph sighs. How does she expect Brooke to understand?

"Okay. Okay. I've noticed that you seem insecure and I don't even understand why. Have you looked at yourself in a mirror? Girl, if I were single and swing that way, I would totally date you."

Steph smiles. "I didn't think Luke could ever ask me on a date to be honest."

"But he did. Girl, you're gorgeous. No wonder you have two out of the three hottest guys in our grade wrapped around your little fingers."

Steph's eyebrows furrow. "Three? Who's the third guy?"

"Cole, duh!"

Steph chuckles.

"These guys see something in you that's why they're falling for you."

"Please B, you're exaggerating." Steph rolls her eyes.

Brooke gives Steph an incredulous glance as she drives. "Look Steph, you have to be confident in yourself. You're beautiful, gorgeous, intelligent, you have a great personality. In fact, you're hot. I don't know what's not to like about you."

"Thank you."

"But if this is some sort of joke to Chris, I'll cut off his balls, pluck out his eyes and feed them to him," Brooke says menacingly and Steph grimaces.

"That's..... That's disturbing and as awful as that sounds, I don't doubt you."

"You shouldn't. Nobody messes with my best friend. If Luke messes up also, I won't hesitate to distort his gorgeous face."

"Please, let's leave Luke out of this. And if this is some kind of joke to Chris, it doesn't matter 'cause I don't like him in that way," Steph shrugs.
"The worst thing that can happen is that we stop being friends."

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