34 | Suspended

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Chapter Thirty Four: Suspended.

Chris enters the school's cafeteria and sights Jason almost immediately. He's sitting with Max at their usual table. He feels eyes watching him as they usually do. He has no intention of eating anything or actually staying. He's only here for one thing. Max sees him and smiles, expecting him to join them but Chris doesn't. He heads in another direction, making a beeline for Ivy's table. The table she's always at. With her puppet and boyfriend.

Ever since they fell apart in sophomore year, he has avoided her like a plague. He pays no attention to her cause she doesn't deserve it. The breakup might have been easier on him if it was like Jason's case. Hayley, his ex-girlfriend started having feelings for someone else and felt it wouldn't be fair to string Jason along. But no, Ivy had to cheat. She cheated and broke his heart. She could have just told him she was no longer interested in the relationship but she didn't.

He blames his dad for how he feels. If his dad -- who doesn't deserve to be called that -- didn't lay the foundation, he might not detest cheaters so much. He might see cheating as something that has the probability of happening in a relationship. After it happens, you move on.

But thanks to his Dad, he doesn't. He decided to give relationship a chance only to have his heart broken by the girl he loved -- or thought he loved. The girl that is Ivy Sommers. The girl that harassed Hazel in the girls' bathroom. The girl that is dating the guy that she doesn't deserve and she knows it. The girl that he has his eyes on as he walks to her table. He halts his steps when he gets there and the three people occupying the table look up to see their visitor.

"Hello Ivy," Chris says menacingly. "Or should I say Poison

Ivy is shocked to see Chris at their table but she doesn't show it. The fact that he's talking to her too -- even though not nicely -- is something serious too. She smirks and gives him a once over.

"Oh, it's you. You've come out of hiding. I thought you'd avoid me for the rest of high school."

"I wasn't hiding, I just don't like seeing your face. If anyone needs to hide, it's you."

"Okay, what's going on here?" Luke asks in bewilderment.

"Stay out of this," Chris says to Luke.

"She's my girlfriend. It's my business," Luke quips.

Chris laughs humorlessly. "Your girlfriend? Are you sure?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Luke rises to his feet.

"Oh," Chris looks around dramatically. "Your girlfriend--" he does air quotes, "--hasn't told you a lot about herself, has she? I'd be glad to do the honours."

Luke glances at Ivy before focusing on Chris, waiting for what he has to say.

Aspen just watches. She loves drama and one is right in front of her.

They've managed to attract the attention of almost everyone in the cafeteria, leaving them to wonder what's going on. Tables close to Ivy's can hear their conversation clearly. Others -- not so well.
Jason and Max shares confused looks, wondering what's up.
Ivy doesn't have any idea why Chris would approach their table at all. Since she cheated on him, he has totally cut her out of his life. She wouldn't be surprised if he's denying ever knowing her.

"Luke, your girlfriend who happens to be my ex is not who you think she is," Chris tells Luke who is watching him with curiosity. Luke has a puzzled look on his face as he shifts his focus from Chris to Ivy.

Ivy has no idea what Chris is planning or hoping to achieve but she's getting scared though she doesn't show it. Who she is to Luke is not who she is to the rest of the school population. She tries her best to keep Luke from seeing her other side, only portraying to be the perfect sweet girlfriend.

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