40 | Feelings

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Chapter Forty: Feelings

It's finally Halloween night and Stephanie is excited. Normally, she spends Halloween night at home, giving treats to little kids going trick or treating, but tonight, she's going to Jason's party. The last time she went there, she had kissed Christopher. You'd expect Stephanie to be into Halloween seeing as she loves watching scary movies but she isn't. To her, it's just like any other day. The only difference are the decorations and the annoyingly adorable kids asking for treats.

She wasn't planning on going to the party this time around also but when Luke asked that they go together, she couldn't resist. She'll go and try to have a good time. She believes she wouldn't really have to try hardas long as Luke's with hershe's sure to enjoy the night. She didn't even have the guts to ask him if they'll be going as dates. When she told Brooke about it, Brooke's first statement was;

"As his date or friend?"

She had no answer to that then and she still doesn't. She doesn't really care. The fact that he asked her to accompany him is good enough for her. Brooke was in Steph's house about an hour ago. She kept trying to cajole Steph into allowing her to do her face makeup. Steph kept disagreeing and she kept her ground until Brooke got fed up. She also wanted to leave early to get ready for the party. Normally, they'd drive together but things are different now. Brooke is going to with Cole and Luke's coming to pick Steph up.

Brooke had wanted to make up her face to look like a cat so that it'll match her costume but Steph didn't concede. She didn't even want to buy a costume but Brooke had all but dragged her to the mall to get their costumes. She ended up buying something simple. She's glad she did though. If not, she'd have nothing to wear as Luke's date. Yes, his date.

Stephanie hears her phone buzz after wearing her outfit. She walks over to her bed after looking at herself in the mirror. She picks her phone from her bed and unlocks it to read the text from Christopher.

Are you coming to the party?


You've changed your mind?

She had told him that she wasn't going to any party on Halloween night but that was before Luke asked her. Chris had been trying to coax her into going but she refused. But Luke didn't even need to ask twice.


Do you need a ride?

Nope. I already have a ride.

Okay. See you soon 😄.

Steph shakes her head but doesn't reply. She heads back to her closet and picks up her black boots to match her costume. After putting them on, she hears her phone buzz again and heads back to her bed. This time, she sits on her bed as she unlocks her phone to read the text.

Emily keeps asking about you. She misses you.

She reads the text and smiles. She misses Emily too. She hasn't babysat Emily for two weeks. Last week, Chris was home due to his suspension. This week, his mum isn't occupied during babysitting time so she hasn't seen Emily for a while now.

Aww. I miss her too. Tell her I'll come visit tomorrow, okay?

She'll be so excited. Thanks Hazel. Can I ask you a question?

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