44 | Out of Her Head

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Dedicated to FranD12

Chapter Forty Four: Out of Her Head

Stephanie and Brooke are in Steph's room, getting her ready for her date with Luke. Steph had initially been super excited when Luke first asked her but now, she doesn't feel the same way. From Monday till now that it's Friday, she feels like all the excitement has been drained out of her. But yes, she's still happy she gets to go on a date with Luke. Sweet, nice, not a Playboy Luke.

You're wondering about the Playboy?

Well, Steph can't get her mind off what Chris told her five days ago. A part of her still believes it's some sort of prank. Things haven't been the same since then. Things between Steph and Chris has changed. To Stephanie, it seems like Chris is avoiding her at all cost. She has thought that since he said they should forget that this whole thing happened, he'd pretend and act like it didn't happen.

But is it even possible to pretend that something as huge as that never happened?

No, she doesn't think so.

The few times that Chris couldn't manage to avoid her, he'd keep his face blank, expressionless and mutters a 'Hey' to her. He wouldn't even call her Hazel like he used to and neither would he call her by her actual name. He also wouldn't give room for further chitchat, he'd disappear as soon as he gets the chance.

He no longer sits beside her during the classes that they have together. Even if Steph wanted to talk to him, with the way he's avoiding her like she has a very contagious terminal disease, she wouldn't have been able to.

And even though Steph doesn't want to admit it to anyone - not even herself - she misses him. She misses him and everything that comes with him. She hadn't realised how much he has rubbed off on her, how much his presence has influenced her. She even misses his cockiness. It's just really weird not having him around.

Well, he's around.....but distant. He's no longer there to disturb her during History class or comment during Maths. She didn't realise how much his being around - his presence - meant to her.

Sometimes, she'll find herself zoning out, thinking about how everything has changed. All these happened just because he ended up having feelings for her. If he didn't, things wouldn't have become complicated and she wouldn't find herself thinking about things she shouldn't think about. She wouldn't find herself realising things she wouldn't have realized if all these didn't happen.

You know what they say, you never know what you have until you lose it.

That's her case. She didn't know how important Christopher Hayes was to her until all these happened.

She still remembers the exact words he said and the way he had said it.

"Perhaps it started the moment we first kissed during spin the bottle at Jason's party that I was so keen on finding out who you are......"

She didn't even think he could remember that she was the girl he kissed that night. When he'd said it, it had taken her by surprise. It had happened months ago and he didn't even know who she was then but somehow, he still remembers.

According to him, he started asking about her after that kiss. But there was nothing special about the kiss to him.

Could there have been?

To her, it was the best kiss she has had so far but she can't say the same about him. It'd would have been like any other kiss to him. He'd have had better, after all, he has kissed a whole truckload of girls in his lifetime. He'd have had a lot of practice so he'd know that she wasn't a professional. She probably seemed like a novice to someone as professional as he is.

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