Missed You

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Rose's Point Of View~

I've never felt this much alive in my whole life.

As if, I just found the missing piece of it. And..I actually did. Him. My heart is so happy that I can't even tell it properly.

He was quite and patient as he stared at me with soft eyes. He knew, it was so much for me to take in. I was closing my eyes tightly as I was trying to not to break down in front of him.

He then came more closer and slowly kept a comforting hand on my cheek in a gentle manner. I felt the shiver went down to my spine as I can feel his love towards me just by doing this. Occasionally caressing my cheek with his thumb.

I was still hanging my head low as I leaned in to his touch. Then I held his hand that was holding my cheek in return. I just felt so overwhelmed with feelings that I was having a very hard time to express it.

He is actually in front me...my other half.

Suddenly, I couldn't seem to utter a word. I want to say so many things. But I can't. I want to ask so many questions. But I can't. It's like the words are stuck in my mouth. I knew my voice will betray me and that I was shaking slightly.

the way he just kept staring at me with those eyes with so much adoration and affection, makes it even harder to me form a word.

But I found the courage to look into his eyes again as i finally looked up at him.

I want to tell you that how much you mean to me. How many times I've fell asleep with you in my mind and woke up just the same. How I'm very, very grateful and thankful to you for not giving up on me and made me feel so very loved by you

I wonder, what is crossing your mind right now as you see me...

There was a light smile on his lips. And it's like we are talking through our eyes. So many feelings and longing for each other were refecting in our eyes. As we were both drowning in our unspoken strong feelings,

His eyes then started to wander,

from my eyes to my cheeks,

From my nose to my....lips.

Author's Point Of View~

Words weren't needed, they both knew what the two of them wanted.

Slowly The King wrapped his hand around Rose's waist and brought her closer until both of their bodies touched. Taehyung lay out a breath of contentment at that, for he wanted to feel her close like that for so long. He could feel Rose's heartbeat increased. Only for him.

He looked up at her eyes, as if to seek permission throughh his eyes.

Rose then just stared back at his lips as an answer.

By then, both of their heartbeat raced as one.

Taehyung waited for all those years to touch her lips with his own. Their last encounter was still fresh in his mind as it was so painful to remember. So, he wants to make this moment as wonderful as possible.

Because, this is the beginning of their forever.

With a longing stare at her eyes, he focused back on her lips.

He started to lean closer. Gently caressing Rose's cheek to calm her nerves down as she rested her shaky hands on his chest for comfort.

Rose felt the chills run down all over her body when their brushed ever so slightly.

Rose tightly closed her eyes.

Warmth flooded all over their hearts as their lips touched each other with nothing but love and gentleness. As if a fire just ignited in both of their hearts, they became completely lost in each other. Trying to take the warmth more as they kissed so tenderly and with care.

Taehyung was treating Rose like a glass as if he was afraid this moment will fade away. He never thought he would be in this situation, where he needed someone's love more than anything in this world. He was trying to pour that feelings into their kiss.

To let her know, that just how much he loved her. He felt her hands grip his shirt tightly on his chest.

Rose felt like she was floating in the air by the way Taehyung was leading their kiss. He did it gently yet so intensely that she felt her legs became shaken up and will give out soon.

Taehyung noticed that. He pulled away just for a moment to grip her waist with his both hands and used his speed to let her back rest on the nearby tree. He was quick enough to put his hand behind Rose's head to prevent it from colliding with the tree's rough surface.

Rose lay out a small gasp by the speed.  but before she could process anything, she felt Taehyung's lips on hers again. This time, the kiss felt more passionate and loving.

Her eyes flattered closed.

Taehyung gripped her waist so tight as there was no space between them. Rose felt like her heart would burst by the way he was kissing her. She can feel the love and adoration very deeply like this.

After a moment, they pulled away slowly while breathing heavily.

Both of them were still closing their eyes as if they were cherishing the moment. Taehyung smiled a little while still breathing hardly.


The moment he said her name, she felt the goosebumps rose all over her skin. It was the first time in years she heard his deep soothing voice.

Rose slowly opened her eyes to find him looking back at her with pure loving eyes. It was a site that is so rare from him and it was just for her. Oh how Rose felt the most luckiest person to see him like that.

This time, she couldn't hold the tears. Droplets ran down to her cheeks but before they fall on the ground, Taehyung gently wiped them away and with a loving smile, leaned closer again to kiss the lid of her eyes and cheeks and finally her forehead as he tucked some strands of her hair behind her ears.

"You have no idea...just how much I missed you.."

Taehyung's voice came out low as a whisper but Rose catched it. She wrapped her hands around his waist and hugged him tight, to which he returned without any hesitation.

"I've missed you too. So much"

Taehyung almost quivered after hearing her soft voice after so long. His heart was at ease.

A moment passed of them hugging tightly. Rose pulled away slowly to let her eyes meet his. She wanted to ask so many questions but she didn't know if this was the right time. She didn't want to ruin their beautiful moment.

But Taehyung can feel her being desperate and he knew why. So he answered her thoughts.

"Everything will be fine. You will live with me very soon."

As much as Rose was happy to hear it, Lucifer is clouding her thoughts.

"B-But what about Lucifer?"

Taehyung chuckled softly at that.

"Let's just say...he got a taste of his own medicine"

Author's Note:

Look I'm so sorry. I know I've told to update yesterday but something personal came up and I couldn't focus on writing a chapter. Please don't get mad.

But I hope you enjoy it. 💜

A Vampire king |Kim Taehyung|(Wattys2019)Where stories live. Discover now