Other Part Of The Story

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Author's Point Of View:

It was morning. Taehyung was still in the balcony. He was rehearsing the best speech he could give to Lucifer in his mind. In hope to withdraw the war intensities from the two kingdoms and saving the other vampires lives. After good hours of thinking about the meeting with Lucifer, he walked to his office and saw Namjoon was there already. Namjoon noticed Taehyung entering,

"So are you ready for today?" He asked meaningfully. Taehyung's expression was blank yet stern.

"Yes. I am. But have you got any reply from him?"

"No. The message will be sent to us at noon. Up until we should prepare ourselves for whatever we are going to witness" Namjoon said while adjusting his glass.

Taehyung nodded and went to his desk. At that moment, Namjoon looked at his watch and said,

"Oh it's almost breakfast time. I will be going for now."

But as he was about to walk away, Taehyung said something that almost made Namjoon choke.

"Wait, I'm coming for breakfast too"

He said while looking into some paperwork. He didn't see the expression that Namjoon had on.

When Taehyung noticed that Namjoon wasn't giving any response, he looked up at him. Then...he saw him gawking at him for 1 second, then When Namjoon noticed Taehyung looking at him, he quickly regained his posture and gave a reply.

"Y-Yeah sure. Sure. Sure. Su--"

"Namjoon? Are you okay there?"

"Yeah yeah. But may I ask w-why so s-sudden?" Namjoon didn't meant that in any kind of rude way. It's just he got startled. He was having a hard time to believe it. Because last time Taehyung ate with them was 271 years ago. It is a very long time, indeed.

Taehyung was also seraching for answers. He didn't even know why he suddenly wanting to see Rose before going to Lucifer's castle.

But he didn't mention Rose and started to speak,

"I....just wanted to eat with you all. Since...it's been a long time." Taehyung was half honest and half secretive about his feelings on eating with them. He actually wanted to have everyone around him while eating and also a quick visit to Rose.

Namjoon got happy. So happy that he was grinning now.

"That's so thoughtful. So come on, let's go together" he happily said.

"Yeah.." Taehyung got up from his desk and started to walk with Namjoon towards the dining area. As they were walking in comfortable silence through the dining hallway, suddenly hoseok and Jimin jumped right in front of them with a--

"BHOW!!" They shouted at once to have them startled or surprised or even scared. Any kind of expression.


Alas.. it was no use.

Namjoon and Taehyung stared at them blankly. Their eyes were literally reflected 'what the heck are you two doing?' look.

The two princes looked at each other and nervously laughed.

"Well, just goofing around?" Jimin said while scratching his head. But then, Hoseok smacked his head earning a "aauu" from Jimin.

"Well, whatever. Let's go to breakfast. Taehyung's gonna be..... with us today."

And when Namjoon said that, it was their time to get startled. Both of them snapped there heads towards the King with a surprised expression on. Jimin's smol eyes seem to pop out any moment while Taehyung was just waiting for them to stop their goofiness.

Hoseok opened his mouth and raise his pointed finger at Taehyung to say something but closed it since he himself doesn't know what to say.

"Are you two done with your talk? Then let's go" Namjoon and Taehyung started to walk away while the two was just staring at where they were standing before.

Hoseok was the first to snap out of his day dream and hooked his arm with Jimin and started to pull him towards the dining area.
As Jimin and hoseok was walking behind Namjoon and Taehyung, he smiled and looked at hoseok who was also smiling.

On their way to the area, they met with the other princes and princesses. They were equally shocked and happy at the same time.

Jin rested his hand around Taehyung's shoulder. Being the mom he was, he felt so happy. Jungkook was secretly smiling but that didn't hide from Jimin though. Suga had a blank face. He always had. But he was so contained and joyous internally. It felt like a reunion to them.

The princesses were quite and enjoying the silence they had around with a smiley face.

Taehyung maybe silent and had a composed expression on, but he couldn't help but felt that how the others missed him being with them eating together. He secretly sighed for his deed.


When they sat down and started eating, Taehyung couldn't help but stare at Rose. The last night kiss on the forehead came to his mind.

Then he remembered Lucifer. There was a tug in his heart that was reminding him not to let Lucifer get any closer to Rose. Something wasn't feeling right to him. It was like something is going to happen.

Then his eyes got softened on her. Now he was staring at her in order to find the strength to be able to distroy anything that would come in his way from saving her.

There was another humans with her. But everyone in the castle knew that if Lucifer ever to harm their human guests, he will straight go to Rose. He doesn't want to waste his time for other souls.

While thinking all of this, he didn't even noticed that most of them have finished eating and stood up. When he snapped out of his thoughts, he noticed that Rose wasn't on her sit. Her scent indicated she was outside in the garden. He sighed deeply that he couldn't get to see Rose properly for his own runny thoughts. Then, he felt a stare at him. No... Multiple stares on him. Right in the head.

He looked around and saw.... Jungkook was smirking at him with Jimin, Namjoon stared at him kind of suspiciously, hoseok just looking back and forth between Namjoon and the maknaes. Jin was stilling eating and Yoongi just loudly---


Then everyone looked at him with disgust. Yoongi noticed,

"What? I am just damn full so I had to d-- Grup~~" he protested while gurping again.

"Eww...go away." Jimin stood up and stomped away from beside him.

Well, he went away himself.

A Vampire king |Kim Taehyung|(Wattys2019)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat