At this thought I was instantly moved with compassion toward the man. In his condition he might die if he doesn't get nourishment soon.

I went back into my room and shuffled through my backpack for some alcohol swabs and make up remover wipes.

What are you doing?
My inner voice-of-reason chimed

Nothing.. I countered

No, no, no. What are you doing? This is stupider than any idea you've ever had.

Shut up. I can't ignore this.
No one deserves to sit in their own blood.

I would've used a wet towel but I was too afraid to make any noise by turning on the sink and I didn't feel like going all the way to Comton's room.

What if he wakes up..?

I ignored my reasonable thoughts and knelt down at the edge of the bathroom floor.

I started with the small stains, allowing myself to think that any little bit will make it better.

I Accidentally kicked the door with my foot and my head shot up to see if the man would wake up. Bile rose to my asophogus in reaction to my nerves.

When he didn't move I sighed a breath of relief and swallowed hard. I gained a bit more confidence and moved to start cleaning the bigger pools that surrounded him.

I was now close enough to notice his breath as it moved through his lungs. His breaths were shallow and I once again worried for his life.

But why do I even care? Just being here is a direct rebellion to my brother's strict orders. Then again, maybe that's why I'm doing it..

I shook my head of its thoughts and continued my work while paying very little attention to my brain.

I was able to clean the whole floor around him including the bathtub. Of course I couldn't get under him, but it didn't seem like he'd moved from that spot this whole time so I didn't let it bother me.

I was about to leave when my eyes noticed his wrists which were still tied tightly together.

Earlier his hands were tied behind him. Now they're in front, lying limp on his lap.

He must've been able to wiggle through his arms and get them in front of him.

"Well, I'm impressed." I murmured

I could see cuts and bruises on his wrists from trying to work out of the rope.

The pressure on my heart returned and I rolled my eyes as I instantly gave into my unrequited compassion for this random gang member that had probably killed multiple people.

I walked out in defeat to myself. I picked up my pocket knife and walked back into the bathroom.

I gently took part of the rope in my hand and cut it with my knife.

I only cut one part of the rope, still on edge about when he'll wake up.. If he ever wakes up.

My overbearing compassion sighed wistfully, He's still gagged. He'll definitely die if he doesn't get food or water soon..

"No.." I whispered out. I laughed a quiet, humorless laugh as I started to think of ways to take off the tight gag without waking him.

I crept behind him into the bathtub to check out the situation from behind.

There was simply a messy double knot holding it on. Thankfully, this guy had shorter hair so it wouldn't hinder being able to undo the knots.
Easy peasy.

Bad idea, bad idea, bad idea

Despite my panicked thoughts,
My hands remained steady as I reached out to gently undo the knots.

I winced whenever my hands would brush against his soft hair.

Please don't wake up please don't wake up. I mentally chanted as I undid the final knot.

I slowly lifted the gag from his face and stepped out of the bath tub.

When I got out of the tub, I noticed there was a rag stuffed inside his mouth as well.

"I can't believe... No. Nope. Not doing it. No way." Actions speak louder than words. I extended my hand out to reach inside this poor dude's mouth and retrieve the rag.

I pinched it and slowly pulled it out with a cringed face. It was like playing operation.

My actions made his head bob a bit and in sleep he lifted it up, only to have it fall to the side.

I swore under my breath as I took in his bone structure.

That jawline could cut better than my knife.

Alice!! If God were ever repulsed by anyone it would be you and your thoughts right now.

I shook my head but smirked at what I'd just done. I didn't know I had it in me.

As I continued to study the man's face, a desire to see what he looked like without all the blood stains started to form.

I bet I could- "No." Was all I said before walking out of the bathroom.

I grabbed a couple water bottles and put them in the bathroom. Twisting the caps so he wouldn't have to worry about being able to open them. I cut up one of the apples my Brothers bought and put it on a plate.

I made a ham and cheese sandwich for him, omplete with mayo and mustard. Like I said, my grocery list was demanding and detailed. It's a wonder all the food fit in the mini fridge.

I set the sandwich on a plate with a napkin and placed it neatly on the floor of the bathroom next to the two bottles of water. I pushed it close enough so the man wouldn't have to get up to reach them.

I don't know how strong he is after going two days with neither food nor water.

I walked back to my room,
gently closed the bathroom door and locked it.

There was a lightness in my heart. This is the happiest I've felt in at least a week. Or maybe it's jut adrenalin from doing something rebellious and dangerous... And stupid.

I walked over to my bed and plopped into it, finally appreciating its comfort with a genuine smile on my face.

I got up and looked out the window to see the sun descending into the horizon. It looked warm and droopy, setting my mind at ease as my eyes absorbed the oranges and pinks coating the sky.

I let out a wistful sigh as I let myself get lost in the view.

The sound of my door opening snapped me back to reality and I shot my head toward the door. Bracing my palms against the window sill as I watched Jared poke his head in.

"Colton and I need to leave early tomorrow morning so we're going to bed early."

"Okay. Where are you going?"

Jared just looked at me void of any emotion. "Colton made me come say good night. So. Good night. Don'tforget to stay in your room." He said as he totally ignored my question.

"Oh. Good night." I managed to spit the words out before he shut the door.

I flopped back onto my bed. My mood significantly dampened by how disconnected my brother had become toward me.

I forced my thoughts to stop before sinking deeper into that subject.

I changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, crawled under my covers and shut my eyes tightly.

Soon, I was sound asleep.



Whaaaaaale that was cool. Can't say I have that kind of stupid bravery. Any of y'all feel like you'd do what Alice did?

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