Chapter 46 - New Beginnings (ending)

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My morning rolled in and I jumped out of bed, had a quick shower and stole half of the watermelon slices off the counter. I jumped into my car and drove all the way to the hospital, I was ready to see if Becca was alright. I would be sent on a guilt trip if I didn't go and check up on her and the baby.

"Yes she's in the room at the end of the corridor on the right" the nurse said pointing down the corridor.

I held a small bouquet of flowers and walked down the brightly lit corridor. I knocked on the door I suspected her to be staying in. Her dad answered.

"Yes?" He asked, confused as to who I was.

"I'm Becca's friend. Harry. I just wanted to give her these and see if she's okay" I tell him.

"Becca it's...Harry?" He says trying to remember my name.

"Yeah, he can come in" I hear a distance voice say.

Her dad pulls open the door and Becca was laying on the bed. A baby in a cot beside her.

"I'll leave you two to talk" her dad waves at her and walks out the room leaving us in the room together creating an awkward tension.

"Hey, I brought you these and I wanted to see of you were doing okay" I admit placing the flowers on the side.

"Thanks Harry, I should get out of here tomorrow. They want to keep me here another day just in case, since I'm young and all" she sighs.

"You're okay though?" I sit down on the chair beside the bed.

"I'm fine, so is baby Jayden" she says pointing over to the small hospital crib with a small child inside.

I stand up and walk over to the crib. The baby was laying on his back with one of his hands the size of my thumb strokes the side of his face. Fingernails barely visible, he could probably lay in my hand like a loaf of bread.

"Can I?" I say gesturing to the baby. I wanted to hold him, the new life.

Becca just nodded. I gently scooped up the baby and held him in my arms. His eyes were glued tight, I rocked him back and forth ever so slowly.

"He's cute" I remark smiling.

"Thinking about kids with Natasha then?" Becca chuckles. My head darts towards her.

"Hell no, well not YET anyway" I join in with the small amount of laughter.

"Jesse wasn't here" she sighs.

"What? Has he seen him yet?" I ask curious as to what the hell Jesse was playing at.

"No, he wasn't there when I gave birth and he's been ignoring my calls. I don't know what's up with him, maybe he's scared?" She says with a small amount of sadness in her voice.

"Or maybe he's just being an asshole" I grit my teeth together but still continue to rock the baby gently.

"Calm it Butler, it's not your concern." She reminds me. I slowly put the baby back into the crib. I walk back over to the chair I slump myself into it and rest my head against my arm.

"I don't know, he just bothers me. The things he does just annoys me."

"He slept with your ex girlfriend"

"But she wasn't my ex at the time" I scowl. Whenever I heard his name the rage inside me would build, my once best friend was now my sworn enemy due to his ignorance.

"Well I don't know what you want to do, but don't do anything stupid. I'm fine with him not seeing his kid if it means he's not going to be bothering me." She admits. I raise my eyebrows at her remark.

"I best be off then" I tell her looking at my watch, it was only a quick check in. Just to make sure she's okay.

"I'll see you later then? When Jayden gets out I'll be having a small party, nothing special or alcohol worthy just a get together so everyone can see him. You can bring Natasha if you like"

"I'll make sure to tell her" I give her a little nod and say goodbye once more before leaving and grabbing my keys out of my pocket.

I had planned to go round Natasha's after as the milkshake shop was shut and we both had the day off. As I got out of the hospital I checked my phone.

'1 new voice mail - Shay'

It wasn't very often I got voice mails. It must of been important. I clicked the message and put the phone to my ear as I walked towards my car.

"Hey buddy, it's me. Something pretty big has happened, its not bad, to be fair its pretty amazing. But on another note I need you to cancel all of your plans today and come straight home. Cya later" Shays voice sounded happy down the phone, it couldn't be anything bad.

But that didn't stop me from worrying the entire way home. I sent Natasha a quick text to tell her that I wouldn't be able to make it over today. It most likely upset her since this was our only day a week where we could really spend some time together outside of work but I said it had something to do with my family so I hope she would understand.

Idaho was my home now. Spending a long time here has allowed me to adapt to the surroundings and the people. Although I still didn't enjoy some of the people or school I still had people called Natasha who I loved a lot.

I pulled my car up to the house and jumped out. I walked to the house flipping the lock on my car on the keyring. It was normal to hear the distant screams of small children.

I stepped inside the house and made my way to the kitchen, where the majority of my family held our conversations on the brown leather sofas.

"He's here" Collette shouts to Shay. All of the kids were sat nicely on the sofa. Was this some sort of intervention?

I sat down next to Gavin and I saw Shay in the kitchen walking around mumbling as his phone was basically glued to his ear. Gavin was playing on the iPad, some sort of game I had never seen before. I didn't bother asking what it was, it didn't look very interesting anyway.

Brock comes into the room, probably confused as to what we were all doing sat around on the sofas like some sort of cult. He threw his body against the ladder and climbed onto the chair next to me.

"Hi Harry" he said in his cute voice.

"Hey Brock" I reply with a smile scruffing the top of his hair with my hand. He let out a little giggle. That boy was full of energy.

Shay had finally gotten off the phone and he walked over and around the crescent of sofas. He stood in front of us and prepared himself.

"What are we doing?" Emmi asked before Shay got the chance to speak.

"Well if you listen to what I say then you'll know what we're doing here" Shay explains.

The room goes quiet to allow Shay to speak.

"Well as you know, I am a part of Disney"

"Are we going to Disneyland?" Avia asks excitedly.

"Not exactly...but I have a 3 year business contract with them" he explains.

"A business contract with them where?" I question.

"That's the good part...we're moving to New York" Shay says happily.

My heart drops into my stomach. New York? I don't want to go to New York! I bit down on my lip as everyone else cheered. I want to stay here.


This story is done! Didn't really know what direction to take it nearer the end. Left it on a cliffhanger, sorry.

I've sort of ran out of storyline, please forgive me.

This is my most viewed fan fiction so thank you all so much for voting and commenting and getting this story past 10K views! You guys rock!

Love you all. Until next time my friends *Takes a bow and exits*

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