Chapter 27 - Nightmares

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It was a couple of days after the party. I could still feel the effects of the alcohol mentally, I couldn't remember what I did or what I saw and I was really curious. Shay had been less harsh with me this time with the punishment but still he wasn't impressed. He dropped me off so I could pick up my car from near Scarlets house.

"Grab it and let's get out of here" he says as he practically pushes me out the car. I get into my truck and follow Shay back up to the property. I hadn't heard from anyone since the party as I'd been too afraid to get in contact just in case I did something bad or upset anyone.

As I pulled up outside the house I got a phones call. I shuffled around in my pocket and picked up the phone to answer.

"Hey dude, want to hang out?" It was Jesse.

"I would but Shay has me under close watch. I have to stay here for a couple of days" I explain getting out of the truck and locking it.

"Fair enough, I'm going to the cinema with Becca tomorrow"

"Really, that's great? Are you like official?" I say excited for him.

"Well you did walk in on us at the party" he said sounding embarrassed.

"No way! I don't remember a damn thing!" I laugh as I walk up to the house.

"Yeah, I was busy but I saw you pretty hot and heavy with Katie" he chuckles.

"I can barely remember anything, was I a bad drunk?"

"Couldn't tell you, I wasn't downstairs" Jesse seemed a lot more calm now. Hopefully Becca warming up to him has been a good thing. We talk for a little longer and then Shay calls me over, I hang up. Shay has been making me work back my trust and independence by doing practically all the chores and cleaning all of the cars and windows on the property.

I also got told to run errands such as taking things to my grandparents or taking the kids to their activities. I didn't mind it that much because I got to take Gavin to American football practice and it was quite interesting to watch. I had thought about joining a team but it just didn't appeal to me, I liked baseball and football or as they say soccer but nothing else really.

It was only the next day when I was waiting to in the car for the girls to finish there gymnastics that I got a phone call from Katie, I was shocked I had sort of been ignoring her because I was scared I'd upset her at the party.

"Why haven't you rang?" She asks. I struggle for an answer.

"I can't remember what happened at the party and I didn't know if I'd upset you"

"My dads pretty pissed. He thinks it was your fault I was in the state I was. He said you sat with me when I was passed out" A little bit came back to me now that she mentions it, I remember vomiting on the doormat. I probably should of continued to forget that one.


"Its not your fault, are your parents okay?" She knows what the answers going to be already.

"What do you think? This is Shay we're talking about" I laugh.

"Right, yeah" I was curious to find out more about the party.

"So, anything else you remember about the party?" I ask curiously.

"Well there's us dancing, that guy drinking from the keg, Scarlet vomiting in a vase, me chugging a bottle of booze, Becca and Jesse and us having sex" she says happily.

"Wait, what?" I say in shock, did she just say sex?


"The last one, what was the last one" I panic

"We had drunk sex" she says calmly.

"Seriously, what I don't. I couldn't of. I wouldn't of done that. I..I" I begin to panic and think of all the consequences. I lost my virginity drunk and I can't even remember, Shay would kill me if he found out. I doubt if I was drunk I would bother with contraception. What if she's.....PREGNANT?

"This isn't a joke?"

"Nope, I'm pretty sure of it" she sounded so calm it was alien.

"Are you pregnant?" I break the ice immediately.

"Woah, Jesus Christ calm down. I don't think so but I'll have to wait and see"

Both Avia and Emmi get in the back of my truck.

"Hey Harry, who you talking to?" Avia asks

My face is pale and my jaw has unhinged and is hanging by a thread. What if she was pregnant, I couldn't deal with that. Shay would kick me out for good. I would never be accepted in the family again.

" there?" A voice asks coming from the phone. I immediately hang up and drive home without saying a word at all. Avia and Emmi look worried. When I get into the house Emmi walks up to mum and says "Harry's acting weird" then runs off upstairs to her bedroom.

I sit on the sofa and stare into nothingness. I had so many thoughts going through my head.

"Honey, are you okay? Did something happen? You don't look very well, do you want to lay down?" Collette comes and sits by me and checks me over.

"I'm fine" I whisper, barely able to speak. I walk into my room and lay on my bed speechless. All I can hear is the distance noise of children. What if I had a child?

I see Katie laying in a hospital bed cradling something in her arms. I walk towards her.

"Do you want to hold him?"

I stand there in shock, saying nothing.

"Its a boy, his name is Jack"

She passes him towards me and I walk forward some more. I hold him in my arms.

"Its yours Harry" Katie smiles.

"What?" Suddenly I drop baby Jack and Katie screams. An alarm goes off.

Its the alarm on my phone. I wake up with tears in my eyes. Its the morning. I sit up suddenly and realise I'm dripping in sweat.

I hate nightmares.

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