Chapter 24 - Sweet 16

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*A nice long chapter for you guys ;) seeing as its Harry's 'Brithday' I thought I could write a bit more. I have been writing lots lately but its to make up for the year that I completely forgot about it, plus i'm loving the story and have so many ideas but I have to play around with more character development before I can do that. Enjoy remember to leave feedback down below *

I woke up and checked my phone. 'Happy Birthday! love you x' was sent from Katie. It made me smile. I deleted the hundreds of notifications from Twitter coming from Shaytards fans from all around the world, I never really used Twitter.

I get up and walk into the kitchen I am greeted by balloons tied up on the walls and the kids all gathered round some wrapped presents on the table.

"Happy birthday my eldest boy" Collette comes and gives me a hug and is followed by Brock and Emmi practically hugging my legs. When I first joined the family I was 14, I felt as if we had all come a long way since then. I had grown, I was now a little bit taller than Collette, maybe my real dad was a giant. Scratch that my real dad is Shay.

He walks in, "happy birthday son" he pats me on the back and I smile.

"Come open your presents Harry!" Avia shouts more excited than anyone.

"This ones from me" Gavin passes a present it was shaped like a shoebox. I opened it and my theory was correct, a new pair of colourful Nike trainers for the gym.

I get passed several other presents. From Brock I recieve a new school bag. From Avia I get more bracelets and a couple of new xbox games. From Emmi I get an itunes voucher and Daxton apparently picked out a new graphic novel I wanted form Amazon.

"Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it" I say happily.

"We haven't given you our gift yet" Collette mentions.

I half expected for Shay to take me out in the garden and present me a new car. But instead I was handed a small box. I unwrap it to find its the new Iphone. I have a shocked look on my face.

"Thank you so much" I get up and hug Collette and smile at Shay.

"Don't think you're getting it today though, you're still grounded" Shay glares at me as he leans on the doorway.

"Shay! let him have it, it's his birthday" Collette argues.

Shay looks at me, I tilt my head down like a sad puppy in an attempt to look innocent.

"Come with me." Shay gestures for me to get up and come outside with him. I leave the Iphone on the table and walk out with him and sit on the front door step with him beside me.

"What is it?" I ask as I get comfortable.

"Don't expect a car or anything like that" 

"I didn't" I lie

"You have to earn that sort of stuff"

"I know" I fiddle with my thumbs

"I want to teach you how to drive in my truck first" He looks at me.

I look back and agree. "I'd like that" I smile.

"You can have that Iphone today but thats it, we're going out for a family meal later so be back by 6." He stands back up.

"Can I go to Katie's after school?" I ask cautiously, nervous for an answer.

"I promise i'll be good, just watch a film or something?" I plead again as he looks around trying to ignore what I'm saying.

"Fine, but you be back by 6. No later" He gives in without a fight. I was surprised he actually said yes. He begins to walk back inside but I stand infront of him and give him a hug.

"Thanks dad" I could tell he likes it when I call him dad instead of Shay so he hugged me back.

"Now go get ready for school else you'll miss the bus" He ruffs my hair and I go and get ready.

I had an eventful day at school, I had loads of people say Happy Birthday. Jesse didn't say one word to me the entire day so I just continued to ignore him as well. He seemed stressed so I thought I would leave him for a couple of days to calm down. When I got home after school I was dragged into Katies house by her.

"Come on Harry, I left your present at home" she pulls me into the house and I nearly trip over the door frame.

"Calm down, it's not that exciting" I say shutting the door as she runs off to get the present.

"Its your birthday, Iv'e had to keep this a secret and I loved choosing it in the shop" She shouts down the stairs. I take my shoes off and wait in the doorway for her to come back downstairs.

I was kind of hoping she would come down the stairs half naked as my birthday surprise but sadly she came fully clothed with a small box.

"It's not another Iphone is it?" I laugh

"No stupid, open it" She pressures me to unwrap the little box. I open it up and it revealed a silver watch.

"Wow, it's awesome" I say as I pick it up out of the case. I hand the box to her as I put the watch on. It was silver and felt expensive. It looked really good as well.

"Do you like it?" She asks as she puts the box to one side.

"Of course, its amazing" I pick her up and give her a kiss.

We go into the living room and watch a movie whilst we cuddle. We eat popcorn together.

"I can't wait until it's your birthday" I say stroking her hair.

"What would you buy me?" she asks as she looks up from where she is laying on my chest,

"Maybe a necklace or something like that, I'm not good with buying girls things" She laughs.

"I'm sure you would be just fine" She lays back down on my chest and we continue to watch the film. I look at the time on my new watch.

"Oh shit! I have to go" I shoot up, she looks shocked.

"Old man on your back still" She asks as she puts her hand on my chest and walks with me to the front door.

"He actually let me come here, I can't let him down by being late" I have long kiss with Katie before I run home, anxious about being late.

I finally get through the door at 3 minutes past 6.

"Late but I'm not going to moan, you look as if you ran" Shay was getting something out of his truck.

"Yeah, we didn't get to finish the film. But she did give me this watch" I show him the watch and he seems impressed.

"Must of been a good kisser to get a fancy watch like that" He winks and leans over in his car and picks up the camera.

"I guess" I laugh

"I'm going to just upload the vlog and then we will be going out, get yourself in some nicer clothes and be ready in the next hour"

I get ready in a red checkered shirt. I was modist but I thought I looked great so I snapped a picture of myself and sent it to Katie. She replied with 'Cute x'.

We go out for dinner to my favorite resturant and I get presents from my nan and grandad and Carley, Logan and Casey. I end up with a lot of cash and new clothes. It was a good day and I end up going to bed earlier than usual. I sleep until 10 the next morning since it was Friday and I didn't have to go to school tomorrow.

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