Chapter 13 - Hot Chocolate

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"So me and Harry have just got done with the gym and this guy KILLED IT!"

I smile as Shay puts the camera by my face.

"I just ran, never really done it before" I say to the camera honestly

"Well, we're going to go buy some juices and head on home, so I can edit the vlog" Shay points the camera back at his face and uses his other hand to express himself.

"Can you teach me how to edit?" I say not realising that he hasn't turned the camera off.

Shay laughs "oh my yes! See this everyone Harry is going to be editing the vlogs from now on"

I look awkwardly back at him. "I just want to try, you know?"

Shay turns off the camera. "Yeah, you can try. It would save me sometimes when I can't get to the computer. I would never ask Collette she has her hands full with the kids."

I nod and we drive to the nearest store and pick up some juiced fruit and other various weird healthy things. I brought the most normal juice I could find which happened to be strawberry and banana.

When we get back to the house, Collette and the kids aren't there. "Where are they?" I ask as me and Shay take our shoes off.

"Maker studios, moms view shoot"

"A what?"

"It's another web series we do, you'll probably end up being on it one day. Since you're our only adopted kid. Sorry if that sounds harsh"

It did sound harsh but it was true so I wouldn't avoid the facts. After I had a shower I spent a little time with Shay he taught me the basics of how to edit. It was pretty easy in my eyes and I picked it up well. I successfully edited yesterdays vlog and recorded the endslate with Shay. I also helped pick the endslate from a selection on Twitter.

After this I asked if I could go out and meet some kids around the block, my age. As much as I loved Shays kids, they weren't my age and I'd love to join a team or something at school but not starting school in LA would be hard. I may as well start when we get to Idaho.

I walked around for a bit until I saw a small cafe on a corner. It looked run down but busy. It was on the edge of the neighbourhood and didn't look right where it was. I walk over and check my pockets for money to see if I can go in and explore. I pulled my hand out of my pocket to pull out a couple of crinkled dollar notes. I walk over to the cafe and see a sign in the window. 'Help wanted' I could apply, but only being here for the next two weeks would be a problem.

I walk in and go to the counter and order a hot chocolate. I sit down by a seat near the window and look outside and see the passing cars. LA is a beautiful place I thought to myself. A waitress comes over and hands me a hot chocolate. Its a lot different to an english hot chocolate, it has a lot more cream and chocolaty taste. Maybe it was just the cafe.

Out of no where some guys on skateboards roll past the window. They take a look at me and one of them stops. He flicks up his skateboard and walks towards the shop. I start to stare at the drink and wait for it to cool. The skaters walk in and the door rings.

"One coffee to go please" one of the boys says as he adjusts the helmet on his head.

I had a feeling they were watching me but I didn't look up or say anything, I just drunk the hot beverage I'd ordered. A boy comes and sits in front of me.

"Hey kid, I haven't seen you in here before. Where you from?" The skater sits opposite me and waits for me to pull my head up from my drink.

"England, just moved here" I say nervously.

The guy laughed, he seemed to be about my age. "Hey Hugh, the queens son came to see us"

The guy at the counter turns around and sees me looking at him.

"Queens son eh? Doesn't look like royalty, he's not even drinking tea" The boy standing laughed.

"That's just a stereotype you know, I don't even like tea" I say in defense.

"So your not British?" The guy sitting down says.

"Are you kidding me?" I laugh and take another sip of my drink, trying to act casual. I had a strange feeling my teeth where about to be kicked in.

"Just kidding, I'm Nick. That's Hugh" The guy sitting down holds out his hand to shake it. I shake back.

"I'm Harry" I shake Hugh's hand as well.

"Well if you need anything come find us, we're always about" Hugh flicks the wheels on his skateboard.

"I'm sort of moving again soon" I say honestly

"Where?" Nick asks

I want to be honest with them so I just reply with "Idaho".

"You just got here and you're leaving? You probably ain't seen any of LA!" Hugh turns around and picks his coffee off the counter.

"Nope, I'd like to though"

"We can show you some stuff tomorrow can't we Hugh?" Nick says, slightly asking permission to see me again.

"Sounds cool, if you can. We'll be here in the cafe for about an hour same time if you want to meet tomorrow. If you can't, it doesn't matter"

"Fair play, I'll try my best. Sounds.....interesting" I drink some more of my hot chocolate.

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