Chapter 12 - Running

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Everyday with this family we seem to be doing something. I still sleep in a lime green room which was meant to be the babies room but Shay said we're moving before the baby would go in there. I wake up only to be greeted by Brock standing by my bed.

"Hey buddy" I say as I reach out my hand.

"You want to some yummy breakfast?" Brock begins to rub his stomach and giggle.

"Yeah of course!" I get out of bed and head downstairs with him. There was breakfast set out for everyone. It was like a breakfast buffet, fruits, waffles etc. Everyone sits down for a meal and they begin to talk about going back to Idaho.

"We may as well discuss it with the landlord" Shay says whilst grabbing a handful of watermelon cubes.

"Contract runs out in 2 weeks. We could move in with your mum for a bit until we get the house sorted? We need to get packing soon." Collette gets a bowl for Brock and begins to puts some food items on it.

I had only been in LA for a sort amount of time but the idea of moving again excites me. The fact I can settle down and become a country kid seems amazing. LA seemed great with the Hollywood stars and the famous pier, but camping and hiking all week in Idaho seems like a dream. Uncle Casey is apparently a hunter, we went round for dinner a couple of days ago and got fed an elk that was shot by Casey himself. It seemed normal for them and didn't even taste bad, it was really good meat.

"We'll sort it out later, I'm going to the gym. Harry, you want to come?" Shay looks at me after putting another watermelon piece in his mouth.

"How come I don't get to go to the gym?" Gavin asks. I feel a bit guilty.

"You're not old enough yet, 13 and up for the cardio stuff and 16 plus for the weights." Shay gets up and picks up a bag from the side.

"Yeah, I suppose" I say, excited inside but not wanting to seem too excited in front of Gavin. He seemed pretty bummed out he couldn't come, it seemed like he had been asking for a long time.

We get into the truck and go to the gym. Its a weird experience with all these huge men and women in fluorescent running gear surrounding you. I felt small but proud to be with Shay, he signs us in and signs me up. He gave me this gym card, it was the first card I've ever had other than gift cards from foster homes. Might have to buy a wallet now.

"We'll have to get you a wallet now" Shay said. He read my mind....

I go on the treadmill for a little while. I was watching the TV above me so running didn't really feel like anything as I was concentrating too hard on the TV. After about 15 minutes Shay came up to me to say he was moving on to the other machines and he would be over there if I wanted him.

I kept running and concentrated on the TV. No one else seemed to be watching it as they all had headphones in. I didn't have a phone or iPod so there wasn't really much I could listen to other than the strange grunts from people around me and the distance sound of the news being depressing.

After about 20 minutes more I had no idea I was still going. I stepped off and realised how far I had ran. I looked down at the gage and saw I had ran a total of 2.8 miles. Not bad for my first time I guess. I had a swig of what Americans call smart water, it just tasted like water with a disgusting cleaner taste about it. Weird but it was true.

I went and sat on a bench for a little while then made my way up the place where Shay was lifting weights. I sat on a bench near there and watched him. He was my guardian now and I officially loved that. This was probably the best portion of my life so far. I love being a Butler.

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