Chapter 10 - Family dinner

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It looked like it was time for dinner. For the majority of the day I had been trying to get to know everyone a little bit better. I played Minecraft and football with Gavin although he insisted I call it a soccer ball. I then showed him images of English football teams, I think I've converted him into a Chelsea football club fan.

I was then dragged away by the girls as they wanted to give me a full tour of the house, where I sleep what bathroom I use etc. Avia was very helpful in a way followed by a shy Emmi who just sort of stared and me every now and then and then said a few words. I let them drag me a long for a bit before I went and sat down on the sofa. Shay told the girls to give me some rest so I sat down and stroked Zeke.

Zeke seemed to enjoy the attention and I enjoyed stroking the back of his head as it was soothing and felt smooth. Not long after Brock came in and sat by me playing with some batman figures. He hasn't really taken much notice of me but by the looks of it he probably just thought I was another person just passing through. This house looked like it had a lot of new people pass through every week.

The dinner was set and a amazing smell came from the kitchen. We all sat down to eat the meal that Colette had prepared. I am about to pick up my fork and say thanks to Colette for the meal and hospitality before I am interrupted by Shay.

"Now let's say a prayer" everyone closes their eyes or puts their heads down. I tried to do the same.

I sort of knew this was a religious family. I'd never really been near a religious family before I tried to say away from religion. Not as much as saying I hate all religions and people in them, I respect them but I never really wanted to join in.

"Thank you heavenly father for this meal tonight prepared by my beautiful wife Collette. We also thank you for bringing Harry into our lives he is a great addition to our family and we shall cherish him dearly. Amen"

I sit up and smile. I thank Collette for the meal and begin to eat. I had never really had such a flavourful dinner, my taste buds danced around in excitement. It really was a good meal, Shay was right she was a supermom! Handling all these kids and still being able to make a perfect dinner.

I offer to help load the dishwasher and Shay shows me how to do it. I had never really been near a dishwasher before everywhere I had been fostered in always just had sinks. I was usually the one who ended up having to wash the dishes.

We then have family game night. Which by the title you can guess, do silly ridiculous things with your family, one family member usually gets upset and storms off and the rest argue about which monopoly piece they will be. The iron....or the dog. Important life choices as a kid.

We end up playing some sort of word game on an iPad. Its kind of strange but takes me a little while to figure out but in the end I get the hang of it. I compete against Gavin the most as mine and his english skills are properly the highest. But I give credit to him, he is a really smart guy. He ended up beating me on the word game I thought I would know.

"Yaay I won!" Gavin cheered

I was really starting to like it here. I felt more relaxed each hour I spent with this fun loving family.

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