Chapter 19 - The Bus

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Shay can be harsh when he wants to be. Collette isnt as bad when it comes to holding a grudge. Shay was angry at me for being upstairs all night, I mean seriously I spend so much time with the family and I am grateful for that but I just wanted some privacy for a little while.

"You're up then?" Shay asks and he turns the blender on and off making a juice.

"I guess you can say that" I rub my eyes and grab some cereal out of the cupboard. I had just showered and was nearly all ready for school. The bus came down the bottom of my street and I used the motorbike to get down the bottom of the property then walked the rest of the way.

"We're going to the cinema tonight, you want to come or do you want to stay here?" Shay turns aorund and asks me.

I don't really want to go out, I would much prefer to stay in and text or invite my new girlfriend over. Thing is I can't tell Shay about it, he would go nuts if he found out about me and Katie. Although we only just started going out he keeps telling me that if there's any dating before i'm 16 il be in a lot of trouble. Luckily I am going to be 16 soon.

"Yeah, sure" I say, making it quite obvious in my tone that i don't really want to go.

"I'm being serious, you don't have to come. You're old enough to stay at home on your own. It would just be nice if you came" Shay poured his juice out and put it into a bottle.

I go into the bathroom and clean my face after eating. I brush my teeth and walk out the door. 

"Bye" I shout to everyone currently in the house. I get on the motorbike and speed down the property to the front near the main road. I park it up and begin walking I meet Jesse halfway.

"So you got with Katie?" Jesse says as he walks up to me and punches my arm for no reason.

"I guess, she called me her boyfriend last night"

"You're in deep brother, can't escape now" He laughed

"I ought to take her out on a date or something" I suggest. Jesse looks at me, I think I just lost street cred.

"You don't go on dates you bang them and get them pregnant" Jesse laughs. I don't.

"Seriously? You're such a dick"

"I was only kidding. Take her out for a picnic or something. Chics dig homemade crap" 

For once I actually thought about what jesse was saying. We have a huge plot of land near our house. I could easily take her down to the pond we have nearby for a picnic. I actually considered this idea. When we got on the bus Katie smiled at me as I walked past. I sat behind her. She turned around and smiled.

"Come sit next to me" She said.

I smiled back at her and sat by her. Jesse looked at me "What the hell man?" I just ignored him.

"You okay?" I ask politely.

"Of course, you want to do something after school?" She asks me before I get the chance to ask the same thing.

"I was about to ask the same thing. How about a picnic on my property, not after school though as I have to go out with my family, how about tomorrow afternoon for lunch?" I wait anxiously for an answer.

"That would be amazing. Text me tomorrow morning with the details" She kisses me on the cheek.

"Also, you can go sit with Jesse now if you want. He looks jealous" I laugh and agree. I get up and sit with him.

My phone begins to ring. I pick it up as I move along the seats on the bus. "Have you got your key with you?" Collette asks down the phone.

"Yeah mum, its in my bag" 

"I'm at Maker with the kids when you get home and Shay is out with Casey making a hunting video until 6. I probably won't get home until just after your dad. Shay told me to ask you to put the vlog on upload when you come home." I can hear her shuffling, she most likely has Daxton in her arms.

"Yeah, sure don't worry you just do what you need to do" I smile and think about how much Collette does for everyone, yet again she is supermom. 

"We will go out for dinner before the cinema if you like?"

"Sounds good"

"Got to go now, Daxton's getting grumpy"

"Okay, see you later" I hang up the phone and reconsider my offer to Katie about later on today. I gesture to Jesse '1 minute' and walk back over to Katie.

"So that was my mum, shes going to be out later. Want to come to mine then?" I ask nervously.

"Sounds great, i'll tell my parents"

"Good" I smile at her again and kiss her. I really liked this girl. I turned back around to see Jesse pouting.

"We go to the milkshake place after school on fridays!" he sounds dissapointed

"Jesus Jesse, grow up" I sit down in front of him, he is such a child sometimes.

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