Chapter 9 - Meeting the kids

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When we get home Shay opens the door to find all the kids neatly sitting on the sofa waiting for my arrival. They are all grinning and me and it kind of makes me uncomfortable so I just reply with a fake smile. They seem to take it in so I continue.

"So these are the kids, Gavin, Avia, Emmi, Brock and baby bump on the way" Shay pointed to each out individually 

Each one of them take it in turns to wave. I could see Gavin was the eldest but still looked around 3 years younger than me.

"So are you going to introduce yourself?" Shay looks down at me expected me to answer straight like that. It took me a couple of seconds before I say my name a loud.

"Harry" I say quite quietly.

The kids seem to accept me and after a while they disperse into different rooms in the house. I'm stood there with Gavin.

"Its good to have a big brother" Gavin looks up at me and gives me reassurance that its going to be fine here. I accept the idea he's trying to make me fit in so I get some conversation going.

"You got a games console or something we can do?" I say

"Wow your accent is funny" He laughs. I scowl down at him and then return with a smile.

"I'm British you donut"

"Do you drink tea with the Queen?"

"Not everyone in England is best friends with the Queen"

"Oh..." He pause for a second to scan his brain for something to say next. He walks into the room with the TV and shows me an Xbox controller.

"I have Minecraft if you want to play, I'll show you how if you're not sure" I accept to play Minecraft with Gavin. He gives me a second controller and we play split screen for a while. Apparently the girls are out at gymnastics and Brock just every now and then runs back and forth with a toy sword. Shay is upstairs apparently according to Gavin he is 'editing the vlog'.

"Have you been in a vlogs yet?" Gavin asks

"I don't think so, do you think your dads spoken about me on there?"

"I think so the viewers would go mad if he didn't tell them something was going on."

"But surely you don't have to tell everyone every aspect of your life?"

"Its kind of hard to keep secrets when people study the videos." Gavin kills a monster on Minecraft and returns to the house we had built.

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