Chapter 34 - Bedridden

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I can feel a thumping in my head as I open my eyes. The room is bright as I study the ceiling, I can hear distant voices blocked by a loud alarm like noise.

"He's awake, hey bud are you okay?" I could see a faint outline of Shay who is shortly joined by Collette.

"I...what...hap" I struggle with my words. My arms feel like led weights as I try to sit up to talk. My head was spinning and all the wanted to do was lay down and sleep.

"Well let's just say your drunk friend whacked you on the top of the head with a beer bottle" Collette says as she strokes my cheek.

"Jesse?" I question. I felt so confused and out of it.

"That's the one, you suffered pretty bad concussion." Shay explained as he lent on the side of the hospital bed.

"So I'm in the hospital?" I try to move my head when I question. I manage to see the hospital gown that I've been given. I see a drip going into my arm, most likely so I don't dehydrate.

"Katie rung me up after it happened and I rushed down there with the ambulance, we thought you were seriously hurt. You lost some blood when the bottle smashed." Shay tried his best to explain the situation to me but I was still a little bit dizzy. So does that mean the bottle smashed? The glass must of cut my head open?

"Blood?" I ask curiously.

"It cut your head open and smashed on force. You must of pee'd him off real good to put that much strength in" Shay pulls out his phone and puts it on the front camera so I can see myself. I look pale and I have a bandage wrapped around the top of my head.

I did not feel well at all and sudden I begin to vomit. Collette grabs the cardboard tray from the side and catches half of it.

"Don't worry, let it out. Its just an effect of concussion" Collette taps me on the back as I keep retching, it hurts my head every time I do it. Finally I finish and lay back down in the bed, I felt so tired it was unbelievable.

I finally fell back asleep and when I next woke up I looked around the room and saw a police officer starting in front of my bed talking to Collette and Shay.

"What's going on?" I ask faintly

"We're just deciding whether to press charges against Jesse or not" The police officer explains in a friendly manner.

"Will he go to jail?" I couldn't help but think this was sort of my fault as well since I aggravated Jesse to do what he did.

"I doubt it, more like a couple of months probation since this is the first offence" The officer holds his belt.

"I don't want to press charges" I try to sit up, I feel a little bit better than before and I manage to do so.

"It's not exactly up to you, it's up to your legal guardians" He looks over and Shay and Collette and they look back at me, expecting me to respond.

"Please don't press charges" I look straight into Shay's eyes hoping he will give in.

"Harry, he hurt you. He's not your friend" Shay walks towards me as he speaks.

"He has enough on his plate, I couldn't do that to him"

I can see Shay is considering letting it go. Collette was waiting in a chair by the end of the bed for answers.

"Officer, we do not want to press charges. Sorry for wasting your time" Shay nods to the officer and he nods back only to leave the room.

I lay there in the bed and thank Shay for what he has done and I begin to cry. The hit to the head must of messed me up good, I just felt like crying for ever.

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