Mikayla started walking toward him, when a phone started to ring. "Stay there," said Jackson. He pulled his flip phone out of his pocket and answered it. "Nico, what's up?"

Mikayla couldn't hear the other end of the conversation, but she imagined Nico was bragging about what horrible people they were.

"Are you not ready to bring her with you? . . . I understand. She can stay here for a few days, no problem."

"What's going on?" whispered Mikayla.

"Shh," said Jackson. "Okay. I'll get a room set up . . . Sounds good. See you then."

Jackson closed his phone and pocketed it.

"What was that about?"

"Nico has to go on a press tour. So Marie's going to be staying with us for a few days."


"Next week."

She'd get to see another person in a week. Even if Marie was completely insane, she wasn't Jackson. She wasn't going to assault her or leave her locked in a room for days on end. She wasn't going to be constantly pawing at her.

"Can she and I spend time together?" asked Mikayla.

"That's Nico's decision. Not mine. But if he's fine with it, then I'll allow it."

Jackson grabbed Mikayla's arm and pulled her down onto the bed. She let out a small whimper. She knew what was coming and she couldn't fight it, as much as she wanted.


Jackson held her in his arms after it was over. She was glad that he couldn't see her face because she couldn't let him see her cry. She hated  She was going to get out of here one way or another. She wouldn't be a prisoner.

She wouldn't let this be the end. And yet, here she was, not fighting back. Just letting it all happen. But Jackson Danvers was a scary guy. He was way bigger and way stronger than her. Fighting back wasn't exactly an easy solution.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Jackson.

"Nothing," she whispered.

"You have to be thinking about something."

She sighed. She wiped the tears from her eyes and decided if she was going to lie she was going to make it the best performance of her life. "I'm thinking about the future."

"And what kind of future do you see?" His voice had a slight edge. Was he looking for something to set him off?

"I see us, walking the red carpet. Happy. I hope there comes a time where you can trust me enough to bring me out in public."

"I really want to. But it will take time. But don't worry. Someday we'll travel the world together and we'll walk the red carpet and maybe you'll even be able to get back into acting. You'll have to change your identity to do it. What would you want your name to be?"

"It's probably good to have something similar enough to my own name so I can remember it."

"What about Mina? I've always liked that name."

"Mina? Like that girl from the Dracula story? I don't know if that fits my personality."

"Maybe we should try it out. Use a new name and see if it fits you. Maybe it will even help your transition with being with me. You can think of this as a fresh start."

"Is that what you want?" she asked. She knew this was a common tactic. If she had a new name it would be easier for him to exert control. She'd dissociate that part of herself that was Mikayla. It's easy to see yourself as a new person who doesn't fight back if you don't see yourself as yourself anymore.

"I'd like to try it. At least for a little while."

"If that's what you want, then we can try it." In a week she'd tell him she didn't like the new name. Maybe have him try another. She wasn't going to forget who she was. She was Mikayla Walsh. She was proud of who she was. And she wasn't going to forget it just because some psychopath called her something else.

"Why don't you go take a shower, Mina. And then we'll make dinner." She'd never actually cooked with him. He had done all the cooking. She enjoyed cooking. But usually she enjoyed easy foods, like salads or chili from her slow cooker. Something where she could throw all the ingredients in a pot and forget about it then eat when she was hungry.

She also liked baking simply because it was a great way to organize her mind when she had too many thoughts.

She took the blanket over top of her and wrapped it around herself like a toga. Jackson didn't fight her on that little comfort and for that she was grateful.

"Take your time in there. I'm gonna go smoke." He slid on his pants and left the room. She was alone. And she hated it. Why did him leaving make her feel even worse?

The Celebrity Copycat - A Heartthrob TaleWhere stories live. Discover now