11 .

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1 week later ..
Today I'm in Orlando , Florida for a photo shoot and a couple meetings. I care here yesterday afternoon and would make it home tomorrow morning .I have to hurry and get things done today and head home to train for WrestleMania once I fly back to California. Everything is just hectic, plus jey or trinity weren't here .
Before my photo shoot, I call up natty ( Natalia) and meet her at her house to talk and what not before I get to the shoot and meetings.
I make it to her her house now and ring the door bell as the camera crew for 'total divas ' follow me .
Once she open the door she lets me in and we hug . "How are you ?" She ask me as we sit down at the table . "I've been uh , good I guess"  I respond to her.
"Well I just wanted to see how you are doing , you know . With WrestleMania coming up and everything " she says .
" Yea , yea . I mean I'm happy to be in for WrestleMania but it's just so many nerves you know ? Anything can go wrong.." I say and put my head in one of my hands that's leaning on the table .
On show :
" it's hard not being with jey right now because I'm 17 hours away and I'm so used to being with him . This is my first WrestleMania and I have to fly back to California so I can train , but it's like I won't have time for anything because I'm gonna be in the air for 17 hours" I say .
" this might just end up as a complete disaster .."
*back to reality *

"Well I think you need to focus on the big picture. Focus on the photo shoot and meetings . And train as much as you can once you land back in California. " nattie tells me and I nod my head .
" sometimes relationships need to be pushed aside from things like this. And that goes for like , everybody ." She says again.
I nod my head "Yea , I hear you . It's like , nobody tells you that you that your gonna have to like juggle your relationship and career. ..Nobody told us that "
" everything is gonna come together soon . " she speaks and we both get up and hug "thank you , for the advice " I say and we stop hugging
"Of course. I'm always here to talk, especially when your in Tampa Florida " she jokes and I laugh . "Bye nattie" I wave bye and so does she and she closes the door and I get inside my car and drive to the Photoshoot.

  I make it there on time and waste no time with taking photos and changing my outfits . After 3-4 in a half hours, I finally get done with the shoot and meetings and drive my way back to the hotel and get my suitcases and head out to the driver and he takes me to the airport.
They check my stuff and I go through security and what not and board my plane just in time . I sit there and relax kind of and fall asleep, hoping everything can and will fall in place .

I finally make it home at 6 a.m from my 17 hour flight and as tired as I am , I get in the shower washing my body and letting all the hot water hit me . I dry myself off and put on red polo plaid pajama pants and a sweater and go to sleep in my bed . It was freezing in the house plus I was comfortable with the sweater on .
I slept for a couple hours and woke up at 10 . I only got four hours of sleep from a 17 hour plane ride , so yea I was still tired .
I get up and walk into my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror and sigh . You can tell in my face that I'm exhausted and tired .
I put my hair in a bun and change into my blue ethika yoga pants and sports bra and walk downstairs getting a water bottle and fill it up with some ice and water .
I grab my keys and put on my nikes and go to my car and get in and drive to the gym. Most wrestlers or athletes train at this gym so I won't be surprised if I see someone I know . I make it to the gym and walk in and see the trainer.
I walk up to him "Heyy . Ailani it is ?" He ask me .
"Yep " I gently smile .
"Alright . Um lets have you work on the treadmill and weights and then we can go to the ring and work on everything " he says and I nod my head and go over to the treadmill and start running. I see hella familiar people but I don't talk to them, I'm trying to focus as much as I can . After 30 minutes, I move to the weights and lift for about 20 minutes and meet the trainer in the ring .

We practice on new moves and ropes . He helps me with punching and kicking and what not . After 2 hours , I leave and head home until jey textes me and tells me to meet at a cafe. I tell him ok and head home and get in the shower. I wash myself up and then get out and get dressed.

I slick my hair back into a ponytail and put on my black and white nike sandals with the straps

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I slick my hair back into a ponytail and put on my black and white nike sandals with the straps. I spray some perfume and make my way out, grabbing my wallet and phone .
I text jey that I'm on my way .
Once I get to the cafe , I see jay and hug him .
"Hey baby" he says .
"Hi my love ." I say and we sit down at the outside table and I order a salad and he orders a sandwich and we both get waters.
"Everything been ok?" He ask me . "Mhm" I say not looking him in his eye.
He grabs my hand across the table " your lying . Tell me what's going on baby , I'm all ears " he says and I take a deep breath . To know that he's always here for me , I feel safe being with him .
" it's just with WrestleMania and I was gone for 3 in a half days without you or trin . I'm just overwhelmed and plus it's my first WrestleMania and I - I wanna do good,"
He looks at me with full attention and starts to speak " Hey, relax baby. I know you'll do good at WrestleMania ok ? You just have to believe in yourself. And if it makes you feel any better, I missed you . Like a lot !" He laughs .
I laugh with him "thank you, and I missed you more"
" c'mere " he says and we both reach across the table and he kisses me on the lips and I kiss back .
" I love you " he smiles as we sit down again .
"I love you too ." I chuckle and we start eating our food and having random conversations .

It may be to early , but theses past two months with jey I have been the happiest. And If it wasn't for being on smackdown and being on RAW , we wouldn't even be a thing .

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